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🎛 Core smart contracts that govern the distribution and questing logic of Capx App.


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  1. CapxTokenForger: This contract is responsible for creating new tokens powered by Capx. It acts as a factory for creating new token contracts.
  2. CapxQuest: This is a base contract that represents a quest in the ecosystem. It has the basic functionalities and properties that all quests will have.
  3. CapxBasicQuest: This contract inherits from CapxQuest and represents a basic quest type. Participants can claim rewards based on the conditions set in the quest.
  4. CapxDailyQuest: This contract also inherits from CapxQuest and represents a daily quest type. It has a similar structure to CapxBasicQuest but with some differences in the claim mechanism.
  5. CapxQuestForger: This contract is designed to forge or create quests within the Capx ecosystem. It provides functionalities to create different types of quests, manage quest parameters, and handle quest-related operations.

Comprehensive Flow:

  1. Token Creation and Management:

    • CapxTokenForger:

      • The owner interacts with the CapxTokenForger contract to create new tokens.
      • The createTokenPoweredByCapx function is invoked, which clones the TokenPoweredByCapx contract and initializes it with parameters like name, symbol, owner, etc.
      • These tokens are representations and can be used as rewards in quests.
      • The CapxTokenForger maintains a mapping of all tokens powered by Capx.
    • TokenPoweredByCapx:

      • This contract acts as a blueprint for tokens. It's not a standard ERC20 but a representation of tokens that can be used within the system.
  2. Quest Forger Configuration and Validation:

    • CapxQuestForger:
      • The owner initializes the CapxQuestForger with the address of the TokenPoweredByCapx.
      • The CapxQuestForger is responsible for validating claims from quests.
      • It contains the logic to verify signatures and ensures that only legitimate claims are processed.
  3. Quest Initialization and Management:

    • CapxQuest (Base Contract):

      • Acts as a foundational contract providing common functionalities and structures for the derived quest contracts (CapxBasicQuest and CapxDailyQuest).
      • Contains functions and modifiers that ensure the correct flow of the quest lifecycle, from initialization to claim validation.
    • CapxBasicQuest:

      • Derived from CapxQuest.
      • The owner initializes the quest using the initialize function, providing necessary parameters.
      • Contains specific logic for the basic quest type, including how rewards are claimed and distributed.
    • CapxDailyQuest:

      • Derived from CapxQuest.
      • Similar to CapxBasicQuest but tailored for daily quests. It has its own initialization and claim logic, considering daily constraints.
  4. Quest Lifecycle:

    • Initialization:

      • The owner chooses either CapxBasicQuest or CapxDailyQuest based on the quest type.
      • The chosen quest is initialized with parameters like reward token, start time, end time, max participants, etc.
    • Activation:

      • The owner starts the quest using the start function.
      • The system checks if there are enough rewards in the contract before starting.
      • Once started, participants can join and claim rewards.
    • Claiming Rewards:

      • Participants interact with the active quest contract to claim their rewards.
      • The claim function is invoked, which requires a signature and other parameters for validation.
      • The CapxQuestForger validates the claim.
      • Upon successful validation, rewards are transferred to the participant.
    • Completion:

      • After the quest's end time, no more claims can be made.
      • The owner or fee receiver can withdraw any leftover rewards.
  5. Fee Management:

    • Both CapxBasicQuest and CapxDailyQuest have a fee mechanism.
    • A portion of the total rewards is reserved as a protocol fee.
    • This fee can be withdrawn by the fee receiver or the owner after the quest ends.
  6. Safety and Security:

    • Contracts utilize modifiers like onlyOwner, nonReentrant, etc., to ensure secure interactions.
    • The nonReentrant modifier ensures resistance against reentrancy attacks.
    • The onlyOwner and similar modifiers ensure that only authorized entities can perform specific actions.


  1. Flowcharts:

  1. System Diagram:

  1. Sequence Diagram:

Contract Address

Arbitrum Mainnet Deployment

Contract Name Contract Addresss
TokenPoweredByCapx 0xeFa68b7c923Ae2CCc2e1E31c7811183D145d5734
CapxTokenForger 0x78B6DE9cb436363C5332807dcFC6F68B2E2035F1
CapxBasicQuest 0xDfc2C89B1ee830c114C1f36DA65bb16a871AC866
CapxDailyQuest 0x1d91E86315543Ab2C45bf28C2A513F5Be7420C14
CapxQuestForger 0x600793d86f15dc53bba14e8eEd90B5a9a7CB27CE
Deployer Address 0xB57c5E1c6d52e6e190bAD3cb363DAaF42728B7fd

Testnet Contract Deployment

Network: Arbitrum Görli

Compiler Settings

Setting Value
optimize true
runs 200
version soljson-v0.8.18+commit.87f61d96.js

Contract Address

Contract Name Contract Address
TokenPoweredByCapx 0xD3cD2Fe92034865f11461352Ebc10da40d609573
CapxTokenForger 0x2a6bBf0b3e54523c1f9a6C47c7B86dc3fe1F4Bec
CapxBasicQuest 0x413CddB2668E647c45E9Ee006544Bf1a6FC5f7F5
CapxDailyQuest 0x4Dee47C00c6571118fD7A2a9558BBc0B3e87bccc
CapxQuestForger 0x53A1a151949A2a225a1d7dF0666091b0221e81F3


🎛 Core smart contracts that govern the distribution and questing logic of Capx App.







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