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Write application bridge logic for Ogmios <-> TxMonitor.
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  This make the opinionated choice of serving ALL queries from the idle
  state. In the case of `GetSizes`, `HasTx` or `NextTx`, Ogmios will
  perform an implicit and immediate 'Acquire' on the behalf of the

  A `Release` request however will lead to a client fault as it makes no
  sense to release without having acquired any state.
  • Loading branch information
KtorZ committed Jan 17, 2022
1 parent a7b17b7 commit ab6c48f
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160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions server/src/Ogmios/App/Protocol/TxMonitor.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}

-- This is used by local clients (like wallets, explorers and CLI tools) to
-- monitor the transactions passing through the mempool of a local node.
-- The protocol is stateful such that the server keeps track of the transactions
-- already sent to the client.
-- @
-- ┌───────────────┐
-- ┌──────▶│ Idle │⇒ DONE
-- │ └───┬───────────┘
-- │ │
-- │ Acquire │
-- │ ▼
-- │ ┌───────────────┐
-- Release │ │ Acquiring │
-- │ └───┬───────────┘
-- │ │ ▲
-- │ Acquired │ │ AwaitAcquire
-- │ ▼ │
-- │ ┌───────────┴───┐
-- └───────┤ Acquired │
-- └───┬───────────┘
-- │ ▲
-- HasTx|NextTx|GetSizes │ │ Reply (HasTx|NextTx|GetSizes)
-- ▼ │
-- ┌───────────┴───┐
-- │ Busy │
-- └───────────────┘
-- @
-- Note that Ogmios enables a slightly modified version of that protocol where
-- `HasTx`, `NextTx` and `GetSizes` can be sent right away. This effectively
-- performs an implicit `Acquire` conviniently. From there, the protocol behaves
-- identically.
module Ogmios.App.Protocol.TxMonitor
( mkTxMonitorClient
) where

import Ogmios.Prelude hiding
( id )

import Ogmios.Control.MonadSTM
( MonadSTM (..) )
import Ogmios.Data.Json
( Json )
import Ogmios.Data.Protocol.TxMonitor
( AwaitAcquire (..)
, AwaitAcquireResponse (..)
, GenTx
, GenTxId
, GetSizes (..)
, GetSizesResponse (..)
, HasTx (..)
, HasTxResponse (..)
, NextTx (..)
, NextTxResponse (..)
, Release (..)
, ReleaseResponse (..)
, SlotNo (..)
, TxMonitorCodecs (..)
, TxMonitorMessage (..)

import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.LocalTxMonitor.Client
( ClientStAcquired (..), ClientStIdle (..), LocalTxMonitorClient (..) )

import qualified Codec.Json.Wsp as Wsp

:: forall m block.
( MonadSTM m
=> TxMonitorCodecs block
-- ^ For encoding Haskell types to JSON
-> TQueue m (TxMonitorMessage block)
-- ^ Incoming request queue
-> (Json -> m ())
-- ^ An emitter for yielding JSON objects
-> LocalTxMonitorClient (GenTxId block) (GenTx block) SlotNo m ()
mkTxMonitorClient TxMonitorCodecs{..} queue yield =
LocalTxMonitorClient clientStIdle
await :: m (TxMonitorMessage block)
await = atomically (readTQueue queue)

:: m (ClientStIdle (GenTxId block) (GenTx block) SlotNo m ())
clientStIdle = await >>= \case
MsgAwaitAcquire AwaitAcquire toResponse _ ->
pure $ SendMsgAcquire $ \slot -> do
yield $ encodeAwaitAcquireResponse $ toResponse $ AwaitAcquired slot
MsgNextTx NextTx toResponse _ ->
pure $ SendMsgAcquire $ \_slot -> do
pure $ sendMsgNextTx NextTx toResponse
MsgHasTx HasTx{id} toResponse _ ->
pure $ SendMsgAcquire $ \_slot -> do
pure $ sendMsgHasTx HasTx{id} toResponse
MsgGetSizes GetSizes toResponse _ -> do
pure $ SendMsgAcquire $ \_slot -> do
pure $ sendMsgGetSizes GetSizes toResponse
MsgRelease Release _ toFault -> do
let fault = "'Release' must be call after acquiring some state."
yield $ Wsp.mkFault $ toFault Wsp.FaultClient fault

:: m (ClientStAcquired (GenTxId block) (GenTx block) SlotNo m ())
clientStAcquired = await <&> \case
MsgAwaitAcquire AwaitAcquire toResponse _ ->
SendMsgAwaitAcquire $ \slot -> do
yield $ encodeAwaitAcquireResponse $ toResponse $ AwaitAcquired slot
MsgNextTx NextTx toResponse _ ->
sendMsgNextTx NextTx toResponse
MsgHasTx HasTx{id} toResponse _ ->
sendMsgHasTx HasTx{id} toResponse
MsgGetSizes GetSizes toResponse _ ->
sendMsgGetSizes GetSizes toResponse
MsgRelease Release toResponse _ ->
SendMsgRelease $ do
yield $ encodeReleaseResponse $ toResponse Released

:: NextTx
-> (Wsp.ToResponse (NextTxResponse block))
-> ClientStAcquired (GenTxId block) (GenTx block) SlotNo m ()
sendMsgNextTx NextTx toResponse =
SendMsgNextTx $ \next -> do
yield $ encodeNextTxResponse $ toResponse $ NextTxResponse{next}

:: HasTx block
-> (Wsp.ToResponse HasTxResponse)
-> ClientStAcquired (GenTxId block) (GenTx block) SlotNo m ()
sendMsgHasTx HasTx{id} toResponse =
SendMsgHasTx id $ \has -> do
yield $ encodeHasTxResponse $ toResponse $ HasTxResponse{has}

:: GetSizes
-> (Wsp.ToResponse GetSizesResponse)
-> ClientStAcquired (GenTxId block) (GenTx block) SlotNo m ()
sendMsgGetSizes GetSizes toResponse =
SendMsgGetSizes $ \sizes -> do
yield $ encodeGetSizesResponse $ toResponse $ GetSizesResponse{sizes}

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