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Getting started

CardboardDog edited this page Aug 14, 2023 · 3 revisions

Getting Started

Getting started in Rosie is easy! Just follow these instructions and you'll be ready to program in Rosie.


To begin using Rosie, you'll need a few things.

  • A c++ compiler (CLang/GCC on MacOS or GCC/MinGW on Windows and Linux Distros)
  • And if you are planning to build from the source, you will need Python 3


  1. First, make a folder called "rosie" at "C:\Program Files\rosie" on windows or "/usr/bin/rosie" on windows.
  2. Then, make two more folders inside called "bin", and "pckg"
  3. Once you have all the required tools, grab the latest source release (should be titled with SRC 1.X.XX) and extract it to a convenient directory.
  4. Then open the Debugger folder and type c++ debug.cxx -o debugger.exe
  5. now copy the generated executable to the rosie/bin folder we created earlier.
  6. Now, open the extracted "compiler" folder in terminal.
  7. Next, if you are on windows type pip install py2exe and then type python if you are on Linux, type pip install pyinstaller then type pyinstaller
  8. copy the generated binary and libraries to the "rosie/bin" folder we made earlier.
  9. Then, copy all the files inside the extracted "Packages" folder to the folder that we created called "pckg".
  10. Finally, on windows you need to add the C:/Program Files/rosie/bin/ file to the system path. Or on Linux type export PATH=/usr/bin/rosie/bin/:$PATH
  11. Restart your computer, open terminal and type Rosie. The terminal should state error: file dose not exist or Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 17, in <module> File "readagrv.pyc", line 4, in read IndexError: list index out of range If you are getting Rosie: The term 'Rosie' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable try restarting the computer or reinstalling Rosie. Also, make sure that your rosie folder looks similar to this structure:
    |     |__debugger.exe
    |     |__Rosie.exe
          And so on...

Hello world

Create a new folder, then make a file inside of the folder called "HelloWorld.rose" Inside of HelloWorld.rose type

add io/io
io.out("hello rosie")

Now open the folder in terminal and type Rosie HelloWorld.rose. After the command is done executing run the generated executable file in terminal, you should get this hello rosie

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