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Algorithmic techniques for solving an optimization problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems - utilizing the fact that the optimal solution to the overall problem depends upon the optimal solution to its subproblems.

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Coding Interview Practice

This table of contents will serve as a tracker of what I have completed so far.

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. - Aristotle

A list of all the questions I've practiced so far may be seen here. The time complexity, languages employed, and basic idea behind the solution are all included.

Question Name Difficulty Time Complexity Topic Language Main Idea
Two Sum Easy O(n) Hash Tables Python, JavaScript Use a hash table to store and compare values of an array. This leads to faster time complexity than using a double for loop.
Power of Two Easy O(log n) Binary Operations Python, JavaScript Binary representation and operations can be used to locate a pattern in powers of two.
Merge Intervals Medium O(n log n) Arrays Python Store the values of a 2d array in a single array and compare values, then store values needed in a new array.
Populating Next Right Pointers Each Node Medium O(n) Nodes Python Breadth first search using a queue to store values, assign node values to each other using curr.left or curr.right.
Fib Memoization Easy O(n) Binary Search Tree & HashMap Python We use a hash map to store and recall values that we already computed.
Plus One Easy O(n) Arrays Python Use a string to convert an array on ints into an integer.
Binary Tree Cameras Hard O(n) DFS Python Use dfs bottom up approach (post order traversal) to determine if the node should be a camera or monitored.
Search Suggested Item Medium O(n) Dict Python Use dictionaries to compare lists and create new array with comparison outcome
Short Encoding of Words Medium (On) DFS Python Create a trie structure with insert then use dfs to take length of words with no children and then add them up
Furthest Building Medium O(nlogn) Priority queue & Greedy Python use greedy method implementing a priority queue to trace where you can use bricks and ladders
Kth Largest Element Medium (Ologn) Arrays Python sort array and then return k element of the array
Course Schedule 3 Hard O(nlogn) Heap Python Keep courses that work inside heap, if the current course is better fit then we swap them from heap
Construct Target Array With Multiple Sums Hard O(n) Heap Python Use a heap to store new sums, if the num is less than the target then return false
Maximum Points You Can Obtain Medium O(n) Array Python Use a sliding two pointer system to calculate what distribution of left and right would be the best
Minimum Deletions to Make Char Freq Unique Medium O(n) Array, Greedy Python count and sort frequencies of each char, then delete those that are the same frequency
Queue Reconstruction by Height Medium O(nlog) Array, Greedy Python Use the .sort function and lamda key to sort by decreasing height & within the same height group sort by increasing order of k, then insert into answer array
Find Pivot Index Easy O(n) Array, Prefix Sum Python Use total sum of array and prefix sum to calculate the left and right side sums of the array pivot index
Min Moves 2 Medium O(n) Array, Absolute Value Python Use the midpoint of a sorted array as the targer, then use the absolute value of i - target to find the amout of moves needed
Maximum Sort Easy O(nlogn) Array, Greedy Python Use sorted funtion with key lambda to sort from highest boxes to lowest boxes then use gready algo to find the max boxes
Max Area Medium O(nlogn) Array, Greedy Python Sort horizontal and vertical cuts then iterate through them and keep track of max diff
Interleaving String Medium O(n * m) DP Python Build dp matrix to calculate solution
Matchsticks to Square Medium O(n) DP, DFS Python Build a dictionary for DP and find all possible ways to arrange matchsticks
Level Order Traversal Easy O(n) Recursion Python Recurseive pre order traversal call dfs on right and left nodes
Construct Binary Tree Medium O(n) Recursion, DFS Python Recursivly create left and right subtrees by passing params
Invert Binary Tree Easy O(n) Binary Tree, Recursion, DFS Python Swap left and right nodes, then use dfs to repeat the process
Max Area of Islands Medium O(mn) DFS, Recursion, Matrix Python Use dfs on every node horizontal or veritical, set node to 0 if already visited so we do not recount. Increment count each time there is a another 1 attached to the node.
Out of Bounds Paths Medium O(n) DP, Recursion Python Use recursion to calculate the max out of bounds moves
Climbing Stairs Easy O(n) DP, Recursion Python Set up a helper function (DP HELPER) to calculate climbing stairs n-2 + n-1. Set up base case exits for 0,1.
Reverse Linked List 2 Medium O(n) LinkedList, HashMap Python Set up a dummy linked list, use a hashmap to store values from l - r. Use map to resort values.


Algorithmic techniques for solving an optimization problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems - utilizing the fact that the optimal solution to the overall problem depends upon the optimal solution to its subproblems.







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