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Bookly 2


Create a planetscale database called main, and create a branch from it called shadow.

Open two terminals and run these commands. One in each terminal. pscale connect bookly main --port 3309 pscale connect bookly shadow --port 3310


Every time the model in schema.prisma changes, run: npx prisma migrate dev


Also checkout these awesome tutorials on create-t3-app.

How do I deploy this?


We recommend deploying to Vercel. It makes it super easy to deploy NextJs apps.

  • Push your code to a GitHub repository.
  • Go to Vercel and sign up with GitHub.
  • Create a Project and import the repository you pushed your code to.
  • Add your environment variables.
  • Click Deploy
  • Now whenever you push a change to your repository, Vercel will automatically redeploy your website!