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How to install

CarrieForle edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 17 revisions


This section will help you install the layout on PKL (Portable Keyboard Layout)

Download the latest release of and unzip it.
Drag Xarty in pkl to {where you installed PKL}/layouts.

If done correctly, your PKL structure should look like this:

├── ...
├── pkl.ini
├── pkl.exe
└── layouts/
    ├── ...
    └── Xarty/
        └── ...

Go back to the parent folder and open pkl.ini. Change the layout to Xarty (layout = Xarty).
Start pkl.exe and you can start using the layout.


This section will help you install the layout on EPKL (EPiKaL PKL)

Download the latest release of and unzip it.
Drag Xarty in epkl to {where you installed EPKL}/Layouts.

If done correctly, your EPKL structure should look like this:

├── ...
├── EPKL.exe
└── Layouts/
    ├── ...
    └── Xarty/
        └── ...

Go back to the parent folder and start EPKL.exe.
Go to the system tray > EPKL > Layout/Settings, or press the shortcut to open EPKL settings dialog (The default is Ctrl+Shift+6) Screenshot for system tray

Configure the settings to the following and click Submit Layout Choice. Confirm all the dialogs afterwards. Screenshot for EPKL configuration settings. Main layout: Xarty, Layout type: VK, Keyboard type: ANSI, Variant/Locale if any: <none>, Mods if any: <none>. Leave the two text input bars beneath just they are EPKL will be automatically restarted and you can start using the layout.

AHK (AutoHotKey)

This section will help you run the layout with AHK (AutoHotKey)

*Xarty-extend.ahk requires having AutoHotKey's version greater than v2. Xarty.ahk does not.*
Download the latest release of either version of the AHK script for the layout and unzip it. You will see 2 scripts, both of which implements the layout. Run either of them and you can start using the layout.

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