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MacMapSuite is an Xcode project containing C utilities and C++ classes to :

  • read and write MacMap's v3 file format
  • read and write various file formats (DBF, Shapefile, Mif/Tab, text, DXF, NMEA, ...)
  • manage MacMap's geometries
  • perform web requests (WMS, tiling)
  • manage projections

It embeds some of the most famous GIS libraries :

  • PROJ-4
  • MITAB (including OGR and CPL)
  • ShapeLib
  • GEOS
  • Libpq (from Postgres)

All binaries, librairies, includes, etc... are available in the "unix" folder of the compiled framework.

Compilation : You can open MacMapSuite.xcodeproj with Xcode then compile, or if you prefer to use the xcodebuild command line tool, open a terminal window and type a command like xcodebuild install -configuration Release -Scheme MacMapSuite ARCHS ="i386" -sdk macosx10.8.

Note: MacMap projects are currently built with Xcode 11 against Mac OS X 10.12 SDK.

Installation location : Default location for MacMap is "/Library/Framework", but like any Mac OS X framework, you can copy MacMapSuite.framework to any standard location. (See for more information).