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p2p CDN
Data storage validation
NAT bypass
VPN/Traffic encryption support
Access permissions
Hosting mode (CDN)
Provider reputation system
DDoS attack protection


  • Objective

    • HTTPS support for connections to providers

    • EDS authentication support for providers

  • Current solution

    • The user submits his public key, saved in the SC, during registration. Later, if necessary, SC can verify ownership of any particular signature.
  • Potential of research

    • Storing certificates in a decentralised manner potentially solves the trust issues and reduces the risk of compromising private keys that are used to sign the certificates using consensus mechanisms.

    • Find a way to work with both CA or CDN (which can additionally increase response time of select resources)

  • Open issues

    • How to make it so nobody other than the wallet owner could register a public key for that wallet? Via KYC?

p2p CDN

  • Objective

    • During peak hours Internet traffic spikes six-fold compared to average daily figures. This owes to users consuming video content in the evening. A user watching a popular video stored in the Casper API network can cache it for half hour and seed it to other users, earning a reward.
  • Current solution

    • Potentially the ability to work in CDN mode can scale to accommodate current traffic accordingly. To define popular content either a special browser or a browser extension is needed that would allow to determine the popularity of any particular media and achieve consensus on seeding it. The alternative would be to negotiate cooperation with large video hosting services (e.g. YouTube) and leave the trend calculation mechanisms to them.
  • Potential of research

    • Large media comprises most of Internet traffic which, potentially, makes this market one of the most interesting ones.

    • Centralisation makes delivering content a resource-intensive task (e.g. Twitch and YouTube streaming platforms servers) which can lead to issues during high load and make scaling the platform more difficult in addition to potentially degrading the quality of service.


  • Objective

    • Transactions containing information on payments for data storage and traffic volume as well as other transactions that can be indicative of economic activities of a Casper API user can be encrypted with zk-SNARK.

    • Transactions subject to encryption

      • with information on payments for data storage

      • with information on payments for traffic

  • Potential of research

    • Currently the use of zk-SNARK for encryption is too time-consuming (average transaction encryption time is around one minute for mere kilobytes worth of data)

Data storage validation

  • Objective

    • Files stored by providers can become corrupted from hardware error or malicious actions at the hand of a malicious provider or other actors.
  • Current solution

    • Chunk storage proof algorithm. One of the network’s participants, called the check initiator, sends a request to the smart contract for proof of other participants’ storing a chunk. The smart contract saves and logs UUID and the address of the provider who has sent a request. Based on each provider’s answers, consensus vectors are generated. Based on consensus vectors, unscrupulous providers are identified.
  • Potential of research

    • Optimize solutions by filecoin (PoR, PoSt)

    • Decrease the load on the smart contract (it shouldn’t handle cryptography, only hash function)

    • Make checks more reliable (currently we rely on the checker’s good will)


  • Objective

    • Splitting each file into chunks that are processed independently (that can be encrypted with a key and have separate sets of copies)
  • Potential of research

    • A simple algorithm for updating files (e.g. when the change happens on the edge of chunks)

    • Chunks consist of IPFS blocks. Can assigning UUID to low-level blocks be foregone?

    • (large) Can block size be increased to 256MB (example), but never store it in memory in full (provided its hash is derived from the first few bytes)? In IPFS this issue is partially solved with sharding (the file is presented as a tree, hash is derived from the root) – in our case the UUID is stored in the root. It is desirable to minimize the relationship between metadata (UUID, metadata, encryption data) and useful data since space = money.

NAT bypass

  • Objective

    • NAT blocks the connection to external IPs for computers behind one NAT. These computers can be connected within the NAT directly.

    • NAT can close connections and take up external ip:port if there is no data running through that connection. A Keep alive is required.

  • Current solution

    • A one-to-one NAT bypass by setting up and maintaining a TCP connection with a dedicated stun/turn server.
  • Potential of research

    • Implement ICE to the highest possible extent (including the required go plugins) to try bypass other types of NAT.

    • Determine IPFS relay use cases (nodes acting as a relay can improve reputation and receive CST)

    • See if smart contract helps

VPN/Traffic encryption support

  • Objective

    • The ability for users to work with providers connected to a corporate or public VPN.

    • The ability to encrypt traffic running between users and providers.

  • Potential of research

    • To have the ability of setting up connections and verify identity solely based on the data from the smart contract.

Access permissions

  • Objective

    • Provide the option of multi-user access to files similar to Google Drive.
  • Current solution

    • File access by UUID

    • The ability to encrypt files with a password (key generation algorithm from OpenSSL)

  • Potential of research 

    • Access tokens (instead of UUID)

    • Store client ↔ access permission data (in the smart contract or with the provider)

Hosting mode (CDN)

  • Objective

    • In hosting mode, if traffic to a file exceeds the bandwidth offered by 4 copies, the number of copies begins increasing to accommodate all the traffic.

    • CDN function of optimal traffic routing can be too demanding for smart contracts. In this case it is worth it to source this task to providers’ server software – then the resulting routes must be verified.

  • Potential of research

    • Algorithms for determining increases in load (based on the number of requests to the smart contract, or a local signal from overloaded nodes).

    • Algorithms for choosing new nodes based on their rating.

    • The ability to set the number of copies manually.

Provider reputation system

  • Objective

    • Provider reputation metrics. Calculate service rejection risk for each of N network participants.

    • Depending on rejection risk we can store files with certain providers more often than with others, potentially allowing for increased competition among providers.

    • Besides, reputation can be used for work with DHT to receive a more reliable information.

  • Current solution

    • Quick comparison: 

      • EigenTrust-type algorithms (EigenTrust++) require storing both the reputation map and all provider check-ups in the memory which is time-consuming and heavy on processing power.

      • Bayes algorithms (** <>__) on the other hand, they allow storing only the neighbour’s data, updating it in iterations as more information accumulates.

  • Potential of research

    • EigenTrust++ is adopted in the NEM blockchain in its Proof-Of-Importance (POI)

    • Adopt EigenTrust++ (utilize a smart contract as a trusted intermediary and attempt to simplify)

    • Adopt the Bayes method (separate situations of false response/response timeout, utilize a smart contract as a source of additional information)

DDoS attack protection

  • Objective

    • Determine how to retain file accessibility if a DDoS attack affects all 4 nodes storing one file.
  • Current solution

    • In general terms it is impossible to retain file accessibility in this case; the problem can be solved upon narrowing down the criteria of real-world feasibility.

    • For large files it is almost impossible: the existence of 4*N (with N being the number of chunks) machines (the chance of switching one machine on more than once is small in case of a high number of machines on the network) dramatically limits the attack vector usually planned for a moderate concentrated server cluster.

  • Potential of research

    • Choose methods of identifying the start of an attack, protection against it during file copying onto other nodes

    • Choose the algorithm for copying files onto other nodes and protecting them from exposure to a DDoS attack (perhaps make the copies private and transfer them to the owner privately)

    • Consider integrating existing DDoS protection solutions into Casper API.

    • Small files can potentially be protected by existing privileged providers (DC) that will always keep copies of small files.


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