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Backport: Done
Backport: Done
Backport: Needed
Backport: Needed
Something isn't working
Devs needed or will be closed
Devs needed or will be closed
The proposal is accepted but will not be processed by the maintainers
Don't merge
Don't merge
PR that should not be merged (yet?)
This issue or pull request already exists
New feature or request
Help needed
Help needed
We need the help of other volunteer developers
Ignored rules
Ignored rules
Guidelines for compiling the Issue have not been followed, details in the ReadMe
major version
major version
Automatically create a new major version tag after PR is merged
merge when passing
merge when passing
Merge the PR automatically once all status checks have passed
minor version
minor version
Automatically create a new minor version tag after PR is merged
On hold
On hold
Will be processed later
patch version
patch version
Automatically create a new patch version tag after PR is merged
Required investigations
Required investigations
PR that require more investigations to solve a problem
Resolution: By design
Resolution: By design
behavior reported in the issue is actually correct
Resolution: External - Fixed
Resolution: External - Fixed
The problem that was not in the code has been fixed externally
Resolution: External
Resolution: External
The bug was not in the code, caused by external factors
Resolution: Fixed
Resolution: Fixed
Issue resolved by code change (on daily build or next release)
Resolution: Not applicable - Kodi bug
Resolution: Not applicable - Kodi bug
The problem is not relevant in the code is affected by external causes
Resolution: Not applicable
Resolution: Not applicable
The problem is not relevant in the code is affected by external causes
Resolution: Not found
Resolution: Not found
A solution could not be determined, but could be solved in the future
Resolution: Not reproducible
Resolution: Not reproducible
No developer envolved could reproduce the bug
Resolution: Waiting dev response
Resolution: Waiting dev response
Resolution: Waiting Kodi fixes
Resolution: Waiting Kodi fixes
Resolution: Workaround applied
Resolution: Workaround applied
Issue temporary resolved by code change (on daily build or next release)
Testers needed
Testers needed
To resolve this issue other testers are required
Triage: Confirmed
Triage: Confirmed
Issue has been reproduced by the add-on maintainers
Triage: Has proposed fix
Triage: Has proposed fix
Issue has been reproduced and has a pending proposed fix
Triage: Needed
Triage: Needed
Issue that was just created and needs someone looking at it