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Common Test Generator


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NOTE: ./typings/handlebars/handlebars.d.ts is being patch with extra registerHelper definition

export function registerHelper(name: Object): void;

Common Test Format

Test record and automation tool use array of actions to describe user actions.

Common Test Format add additonal context information and reserved field for

future use.

    "command": "click",
    "target": "#target",
    "value": "",
    "extra": {
      "key": "this can be very complex object"
    "command": "type",
    "target": ".target",
    "value": "hello world"

Complete set of browser event can't be find in

Currently comment test format only define subset of these event.


Command Name Description casperjs nightmare
open(url) Load the page at url. open(url) goto(url)
useragent(ua) Sets the User-Agent string userAgent(agent) useragent
viewport(width, height) Changes current viewport size. viewport(width, height) viewport
back() Go back to the previous page. back() back
forward() Go forward to the next page. forward() forward
refresh() Refresh the current page. reload() refresh
click(selector) Clicks the selector element once. click
mousedown(selector) Mousedown the selector element once. mouse.down(selector) mousedown
type(selector[, text]) Enters the text provided into the selector element. Empty or falsey values provided for text will clear the selector's value. sendKeys(with reset set as true) type
check(selector) Toggles the selector checkbox element. fallback check
select(selector, option) Changes the selector dropdown element to the option with attribute [value=option] fallback select
scrollTo(top, left) Scrolls the page to desired position. top and left are always relative to the top left corner of the document. scrollTo(x, y) scrollTo
inject(type, file) Inject a local file onto the current page. The file type must be either js or css. js fallback css fallback inject
wait(ms) Wait for ms milliseconds e.g. .wait(5000) wait(timeout) wait
waitForSelector(selector) Wait until the element selector is present e.g. .waitForSelector('#pay-button') waitForSelector(selector) wait
Don't support now
evaluate(fn[, arg1, arg2,...]) Invokes fn on the page with arg1, arg2,.... All the args are optional. On completion it returns the return value of fn. Useful for extracting information from the page. evaluate evaluate
.waitFor(fn[, arg1, arg2,...]) Wait until the fn evaluated on the page with arg1, arg2,... returns true. All the args are optional. See .evaluate()for usage. waitFor wait



Common Test Generator






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