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GroupBy iterator for large key-value streams


I wanted to build a production-grade algorithmic component of a real distributed system. It took roughly 8 hours to implement this back in Feburary 2016. I used Python 2 back then, I updated the code to Python 3 using 2to3.

The task was to build a function which can group a large stream of key-value pairs:

def groupBy(input: Iterator[(K, V)]) -> Iterator[(K, List[V])]

For example, for the stream (1, 3), (4, 1), (1, 2), (4, 4), (100, 1) it should produce an iterator over [(1, [3, 2]), (4, [1, 4]), (1, [100])]

Now assume the above stream could have billions of (key, value) pairs :) In case the output doesn't fit in memory, it should be stored on disk and gracefully deleted once the whole iterator has beene exhausted.

The requirements were:

  • Function should work even if the total size of the input exceeds the size of the memory. (I assumed constant key and value size)
  • Performance should degrade gracefully as the problem size varies. (If the input can fit easily into memory, don't use disk)
  • Algorithm should not exceed O(N log N) average case performance for N input key-value pairs
  • Code should be thread-safe


First, create a temporary folder associated with the request, which will hold all dump files.

  1. Stage 1: Go through the input maintaining a hashmap of the form key -> list(values) If at any point the hashmap exceed max_hashmap_entries dump it to disk (see _dump_hashmap_to_disk) and clear it If after Stage 1 there was no dump to disk (input fits in memory) return an KeyValueIteratorFromMemory over the resulting hashmap.

  2. Stage 2: In case the number of dump files on disk (num_files) exceeds the maximum allowed number (max_number_of_files) do merges with max_num_files files at a time until at most max_num_files remain.

  3. Stage 3: Return a KeyListIteratorFromDisk over the remaining dump files, which simulates a multi-way merge (same as in Stage 2). Finally, once the KeyListIteratorFromDisk iterator has been exhausted, remove the associated temporary folder.

Time and memory complexity:

Let kv_size equal the size in memory of a single (key, value) entry.
Let N equal the total number of (key, value) entries in the input.
Total memory consumption: O(max(max_hashmap_entries, max_num_files) * kv_size) . Total disk space consumption: (N * kv_size) .

Total execution time (including full iteration over the result):

  • O(N log N) if the stream fits in memory (N <= max_hashmap_entries) . Else if the stream doesn't fit in memory:
  • O(N log N) if the stream fits in memory (N <= max_hashmap_entries) .
  • O(N log(max_hashmap_entries)) for chunking the stream into hashmaps stored on disk .
  • O(N log N) if the stream fits in memory (N <= max_hashmap_entries) .
  • O(N log_in_base_(max_num_files)_of(N / max_hashmap_entries)) for merging the dump files until at most
  • O(N log N) if the stream fits in memory (N <= max_hashmap_entries) .   max_num_files remain .
  • O(N log (max_num_files)) for iterating over the result .
  • O(N log N) if the stream fits in memory (N <= max_hashmap_entries) . In total:
    • O(N * (log(max_hashmap_entries) + log_in_base_(max_num_files)_of(N / max_hashmap_entries) + log (max_num_files))) .

How to test

Tests are found in the test/ folder.
To run tests install nose with ./

To run unit tests and doc tests run ./


Use more of the Pyton3 language features (such as hinting).


Heavy duty group-by function, designed for large data streams of key-value pairs.






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