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Frontend Mentor - Calculator app solution

This is a solution to the Calculator app challenge on Frontend Mentor using HTMl, CSS and Javascript.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users are able to:

  • Toggle between 3 themes: default, light and dark themes
  • Do arithmetic operations, including operations with negative numbers, for example: -2+1, 1+-2, -2+-2, -2--2;
  • Remove the last character that was typed on DEL click
  • Reset the calculator on RESET click



Dark theme

Default theme

Light theme


Mobile - Default theme


My process

Built with

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Javascript


Theme toggler

For this challenge I used a button for toggling between themes with custom aria-label for accessibility. A simple CSS solution that I found is to have a child (circle) inside the parent button with position: absolute and change its left position on each click. This has the added benefit of the left property being easy to animate.

#toggler-button {
  position: relative;

#circle {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 20%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  transition: left 200ms;

The visual effect of the circle changing its position as the theme is toggled is achieved by using a combination of CSS and Javascript.

const onTogglerButtonClick = (event) => {
  if (circlePosition === 3) {
    circlePosition = 1;
  } else {

const circlePositionToThemeValueMapper = {
  1: { theme: "default", leftPosition: "20%" },
  2: { theme: "light", leftPosition: "50%" },
  3: { theme: "dark", leftPosition: "80%" },

The "data-color-scheme" attribute is changed on the body element depending on the circle position. This sets the root variables values according to the attribute name. The left position of the circle element is also set.

[data-color-scheme="light"] {
  color-scheme: light;
  --main-background: var(--main-background-light);
  --keypad-background: var(--keypad-background-light);

[data-color-scheme="dark"] {
  color-scheme: dark;
  --main-background: var(--main-background-dark);
  --keypad-background: var(--keypad-background-dark);

Operations with negative numbers

The synthantic sugar of a javascript class was used for simplicity. It has three main properties currentOperand representing the left hand-side of the operation, previousOperand for the right hand-side and operator in the middle.

The compute function calculates the result of the operation on click on "equals" button, as well as operator button, if both operands are present.

If there's no currentOperand, ignore the click (such as when you click + on an empty screen). Except when the operand is minus. Then, minus becomes the first character of currentOperand, later to be updated in the updateCurrentOperand function.

class Calculator {
    constructor(currentScreenTextElement) {
    this.currentScreenTextElement =
    this.currentOperand = "";
    this.previousOperand = "";
    this.operator = "";

    updateOperator(operator) {
        if (operator === minus) {
        if (!this.currentOperand) {
            this.currentOperand = minus;
        if (!this.currentOperand) {
        if (this.previousOperand) {
        this.operator = operator;
        this.previousOperand = this.currentOperand;
        this.currentOperand = "";

Negative Numbers

Continued development

I would like to refactor this project to use SASS mixins for the theme toggling.



Thanks to the author of this article! Although similar to my initial solution, the one from the article that uses a class is much cleaner.