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Accounts Receivable RESTful API Web Service

Brian Wharton edited this page Jul 14, 2015 · 12 revisions

Accounts Receivable Web Service


The below objects define various payloads used by the AR web service.

Payment Entry

Managing Screens, Batches, ARDoc, and ARTran

Create a payment entry

You can download an example c# project for Payment Entry here

Payment Entry requires several steps to create a payment entry:

  1. create the screen object
  2. update the batch and ARDoc objects for overrides you want to make
  3. create ARTran records
  4. Save the screen back to the web service

Retrieve an existing payment entry screen

  • Description: Retrieves an existing payment entry screen based on the batNbr passed
  • Endpoint: /api/accountsReceivable/paymentEntry/screen/{batNbr}
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Request PayLoad: No Payload
  • Response PayLoad: PaymentEntryScreen object returned that matches the batNbr passed
  • Online Help: Help

Get new payment entry screen from a template

  • Description: Creates a new payment entry screen and fills in defaults. You can pass a template screen object for initial values.
  • Endpoint: /api/accountsReceivable/paymentEntry/templates/getNewScreen
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Request PayLoad: PaymentEntryScreen
  • Response PayLoad: PaymentEntryScreen object returned with defaults created
  • Online Help: Help

Get new ARTran from a template

  • Description: Will create an ARTran object, filling in defaults of fields not passed in the template.
  • Endpoint: /api/accountsReceivable/paymentEntry/templates/getNewARTran
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Request PayLoad: ARTran
  • Response PayLoad: ARTran object returned with defaults created
  • Online Help: Help

Save a new payment entry screen

  • Description: This will create a new payment entry screen in SL based on the screen passed. Defaults will be set on fields not sent.
  • Endpoint: /api/accountsReceivable/paymentEntry/screen
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Request PayLoad: PaymentEntryScreen
  • Response PayLoad: PaymentEntryScreen object returned with defaults created
  • Online Help: Help

Update an existing payment entry Screen

  • Description: This will update an existing payment entry screen based on the object passed
  • Endpoint: /api/accountsReceivable/paymentEntry/screen
  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • Request PayLoad: PaymentEntryScreen
  • Response PayLoad: PaymentEntryScreen object returned with defaults created
  • Online Help: Help

Validate a paymentEntryScreen object

  • Description: Validate the inventory screen object. NOTE: this will just validate the PaymentEntryScreen object without saving to the database
  • Endpoint: /api/accountsReceivable/paymentEntry/screen/validate
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Request PayLoad: PaymentEntryScreen
  • Response PayLoad: PaymentEntryScreen object returned with defaults created
  • Online Help: Help

PV Lookups

PV Lookups are a way to retrieve lists of values used to fill in various fields. Each field in the PV lookup is right wildcarded. Meaning you can put a partial word in and the system will use the left most characters for a partial word search.

Retrieve projects

  • Description: Retrieve all projects matching the partial projectID search. The projectID is automatically wildcarded on both the left and right of the string you pass.
  • Endpoint: /api/accountsReceivable/paymentEntry/pvLookup/projects?projectID={projectID}
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Request PayLoad: No Payload
  • Response PayLoad: Collection of PJPROJ objects.
  • Online Help: Help
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