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configurable image recognition and classification pipeline

Architecture overview

Clone the repo

in addition to just cloning the repo, you also need to fetch the submodules:

git clone
git submodule init 
git submodule update --init --remote
git submodule foreach git checkout master
git submodule foreach git pull origin

Deploy the pipeline

Define your parameters in azuredeploy.parameters.json and deploy the services using azure-cli

Define the parameters:

The branch you want to deploy:

    "branch": {
      "value": "master"

The pipeline definition provided as a comma separated list of queue names:

    "pipelineDefinition": {
      "value": "generalclassification,ocr,facedetection,facecrop,faceprint,facematch,pipelineoutput"

Your cognitive service api keys:

    "faceApiKey": {
      "value": "<YOUR FACE API KEY>"
    "visionApiKey": {
      "value": "<YOUR VISION API KEY>"

Specify your SQL server configuration. Please don't use a ! as part of the password as this might cause problems:

    "administratorLogin": {
      "value": "imaginemUser"
    "administratorLoginPassword": {
      "value": "imaginem:2PW"
    "collation": {
      "value": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"
    "edition": {
      "value": "Basic"
    "maxSizeBytes": {
      "value": "1073741824"
    "requestedServiceObjectiveName": {
      "value": "Basic"
    "skuName": {
      "value": "S2"

The instance count that serves your WebApps:

    "skuCapacity": {
      "value": 1

The postfix for all created resources. Must be lowercase and consist of alphanumeric characters only:

    "deploymentPostFix": {
      "value": "prod"

Once you defined your parameters you can deploy the resources:

azure group create -n <your-resource-group-name> -l "West Europe"
azure group deployment create -f "azuredeploy.json" -e "azuredeploy.parameters.json" -g <your-resource-group-name> -n <your-deployment-name>

Run the test dashboard


Job message format

  "job_definition": {
    "id": "myjobId",
    "input": {
      "image_url": "your image url",
      "image_classifiers": ["classifier1", "classifier2"]
    "processing_pipeline": [ "facedetection", "facecrop", "faceprint", "facematch", "sample", "pipelineoutput" ],
    "processing_step" : 0
    "job_output" : {
        "job1" : {


Configure the pipeline

To configure the pipeline steps, you simple add or remove queue names to/from the message's processing_pipeline property. If you're using the demo app, you can change the pipeline in the AppSettings of the Service deployment.

Monitor the pipeline

All pipeline activity is logged to the pipelinelogs Azure table. Each job represents an entity containing the following properties:

property name | property value --- | --- | --- PartitionKey | batch_id RowKey | job_id classifier1 | processing state of a classifier1 classifier2_output | output of a classifier1 classifier2_exception | exception thrown by classifier1 classifier2 | processing state of a classifier2 classifier2_output | output of a classifier2 classifier2_exception | exception thrown by classifier2 ... | ... job_output | final job output

Developing additional classifiers

To develop and test new classifiers, please refer to the following README