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French translation strings by Antoine
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CatoTH committed Jun 5, 2017
1 parent cc4d90f commit d6acad9
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,167 additions and 1,162 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion AUTHORS
Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ Authors of Antragsgrün in chronological order of first contribution:
Karin Wehle <> (Design)
Felix Pahl <> (Development)
Martin Winter <> (Development)
Hanno Langfelder <> (English translation)
Hanno Langfelder <> (English translation)
Antoine Tifine <> (French translation)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
- Bugfix: In some very rare cases, a bold formatting in the PDF-Export was not finished correctly, leading to the rest of the document appearing as bold.
- Bugfix: Merging amendments did not work with PHP 5.5
- Feature: Line breaks in motion titles are supported
- Feature: A French translation is provided

### Version 3.6.8 (2017-05-09)

Expand Down
630 changes: 315 additions & 315 deletions messages/fr/admin.php

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

322 changes: 161 additions & 161 deletions messages/fr/amend.php

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

82 changes: 41 additions & 41 deletions messages/fr/base.php
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
return [
'Help' => 'Help',
'Today' => 'Today',
'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday',
'save' => 'Save',
'saved' => 'Saved.',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'Home' => 'Home',
'home_back' => 'Back to home',
'menu_main' => 'Main menu',
'Settings' => 'Settings',
'privacy_statement' => 'Privacy',
'Help' => 'Aide',
'Today' => 'Aujourd\'hui',
'Yesterday' => 'Hier',
'save' => 'Sauvergarder',
'saved' => 'Sauvegardé.',
'edit' => 'Modifier',
'Home' => 'Accueil',
'home_back' => 'Retour à l\'accueil',
'menu_main' => 'Menu principal',
'Settings' => 'Paramètres',
'privacy_statement' => 'Vie privée',
'imprint' => 'Imprint',
'err_email_not_sent' => 'An e-mail could not be sent',
'err_unknown' => 'An uncommon error occurred.',
'err_js_or_login' => 'To use this, you need to be logged in or JavaScript needs to be enabled.',
'err_no_data_given' => 'No data entered (field: %FIELD%)',
'err_max_len_exceed' => 'Maximum length of %MAX% exceeded',
'err_no_site_internal' => 'No site given. This is probably an installation error.',
'err_amend_not_consult' => 'Invalid URL: this amendment does not belong to the given motion.',
'err_cons_not_site' => 'Invalid URL: this consultation is not part of the given site.',
'err_site_404' => 'The given site does not exist. If you think this is an error, please contact us (',
'err_cons_404' => 'The given consultation was not found. This is probably a typo in the URL entered in your browser.',
'content_privacy_title' => 'Privacy statement',
'content_privacy_bread' => 'Privacy',
'content_welcome' => 'Welcome',
'content_welcome_text' => '<p>Welcome to Antragsgrün</p>',
'err_email_not_sent' => 'Un email n\'a pas pu être envoyé',
'err_unknown' => 'Une erreur inhabituelle s\'est produite.',
'err_js_or_login' => 'Pour l\'utuliser, tu dois être connecté ou JavaScript doit être activité.',
'err_no_data_given' => 'Pas de données entrées (field: %FIELD%)',
'err_max_len_exceed' => 'Longueur maximale de %MAX% depassée',
'err_no_site_internal' => 'Pas de site donné. Ceci est probablement une erreur d\'installation.',
'err_amend_not_consult' => 'URL invalide : cet amendement n\'appartient pas à la motion données.',
'err_cons_not_site' => 'URL invalide : cette consultation ne pas partie de de ce site.',
'err_site_404' => 'La page demandée n\'existe pas. Si tu penses qu\il s\'agait d\'une erreur, merci de nous contacter (',
'err_cons_404' => 'La consultaton demandée n\'a pas été trouvée. Ceci est probablement dû à une faute de grappe dans l\URL entrée dans votre navigateur.',
'content_privacy_title' => 'Déclaration concernant la vie privée',
'content_privacy_bread' => 'Vie privée',
'content_welcome' => 'Bienvenue',
'content_welcome_text' => '<p>Bienvenue sur Antragsgrün</p>',
'content_imprint_title' => 'Imprint',
'content_imprint_bread' => 'Imprint',
'content_help_title' => 'Help',
'content_help_bread' => 'Help',
'content_help_place' => '<p>Help...</p>',
'content_help_title' => 'Aide',
'content_help_bread' => 'Aide',
'content_help_place' => '<p>Aide...</p>',
'content_maint_bread' => 'Maintenance',
'content_maint_title' => 'Maintenance mode',
'content_maint_text' => '<p>This consultation has not, yet, been made public.</p>',
'legal_multisite_hint' => '<p>Antragsgrün lets users open their own consultations that can be administered independently.</p>',
'legal_base_title' => 'Operator of the platform',
'legal_base_intro' => 'Responsible for the Antragsgrün software and the operation of the platform:',
'legal_site_title' => 'Consultation site %SITE%',
'legal_template' => '<p><strong>Responsible for the contents (§ 5 TMG)</strong></p><address>%CONTACT%</address>',
'html_meta' => 'Antragsgrün is a content management system specifically built for political parties.',
'menu_account' => 'Account',
'menu_admin' => 'Settings',
'menu_login' => 'Login',
'menu_logout' => 'Logout',
'content_maint_title' => 'Mode de maintenance',
'content_maint_text' => '<p>Cette consultatio n\'a pas encore été rendue publique.</p>',
'legal_multisite_hint' => '<p>Antragsgrün permet aux utilisateurs d\'ouvrir leurs propres consultations qu\'ils peuvent administrer indépendamment.</p>',
'legal_base_title' => 'Operateur de la plateforme',
'legal_base_intro' => 'Responsable pour le logiciel Antragsgrün et l\'opération de la plateforme :',
'legal_site_title' => 'Site de la consultation %SITE%',
'legal_template' => '<p><strong>Responsable pour les contenus (§ 5 TMG)</strong></p><address>%CONTACT%</address>',
'html_meta' => 'Antragsgrün est un système de gestion de contenu développé spécialement pour les partis politiques.',
'menu_account' => 'Compte',
'menu_admin' => 'Paramètres',
'menu_login' => 'Connexion',
'menu_logout' => 'Déconnexion',
'menu_motion_list' => 'Motions',
'menu_todo' => 'To Do',
'menu_todo' => 'A faire',
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions messages/fr/comment.php
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@

return [
'err_no_screening' => 'No screening permissions',
'err_not_found' => 'Comment not found',
'err_no_del' => 'No permission to delete',
'del_done' => 'The comment has been deleted.',
'not_screened_yet' => 'not screened yet',
'screen_yes' => 'Screen',
'screen_no' => 'Delete',
'comment_write_title' => 'Write a comment',
'name' => 'Name',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'text' => 'Text',
'submit_comment' => 'Submit',
'link_comment' => 'Link comment',
'created_needs_screening' => 'The comment has been created. An administrator will review and publish it now.',
'created' => 'The comment has been created.',
'err_no_screening' => 'Pas de droit d\'examen',
'err_not_found' => 'Commentaire introuvable',
'err_no_del' => 'Pas de droit pour le supprimer',
'del_done' => 'Le commentaire a été supprimé.',
'not_screened_yet' => 'pas encore examiné',
'screen_yes' => 'Valider',
'screen_no' => 'Supprimer',
'comment_write_title' => 'Poster un commentaire',
'name' => 'Nom',
'email' => 'Email',
'text' => 'Texte',
'submit_comment' => 'Poster',
'link_comment' => 'Lien',
'created_needs_screening' => 'Le commentaire a été créé. Un administrateur va l\'examiner et le publier.',
'created' => 'Le commentaire a été créé.',
88 changes: 44 additions & 44 deletions messages/fr/con.php
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
return [
'start_motion' => 'Create new document',
'new_motions' => 'New motions',
'new_amendments' => 'New amendments',
'new_comments' => 'New comments',
'create_new' => 'Create...',
'deadline_circle' => 'Deadline',
'My Motions' => 'My motions',
'start_motion' => 'Créer un nouveau document',
'new_motions' => 'Nouvelles motions',
'new_amendments' => 'Nouveaux amendements',
'new_comments' => 'Nouveaux commentaires',
'create_new' => 'Créer...',
'deadline_circle' => 'Date limite',
'My Motions' => 'Mes motions',
'All Motions' => 'Motions',
'My Amendments' => 'My amendments',
'Agenda' => 'Agenda',
'Other Motions' => 'Other motions',
'no motions' => 'No motions',
'news' => 'News',
'email_notifications' => 'E-mail notifications',
'activity_log' => 'Activity',
'My Amendments' => 'Mes amendements',
'Agenda' => 'Ordre du jour',
'Other Motions' => 'Autres motions',
'no motions' => 'Pas motions',
'news' => 'Nouveautés',
'email_notifications' => 'Notifications email',
'activity_log' => 'Activité',
'feed_motions' => 'Motions',
'feed_amendments' => 'Amendments',
'feed_comments' => 'Comments',
'feed_all' => 'All',
'feed' => 'Feed',
'feeds' => 'Feeds',
'pdf_all' => 'All motions',
'feed_amendments' => 'Amendements',
'feed_comments' => 'Commentaires',
'feed_all' => 'Tous',
'feed' => 'Flux',
'feeds' => 'Flux',
'pdf_all' => 'Toutes les motions',
'pdf_motions' => 'PDFs: motions',
'pdf_amendments' => 'All amendments',
'pdf_amendments_small' => 'PDFs: amendments',
'sb_search_form' => 'Search form',
'sb_search_desc' => 'The term to search for.',
'sb_search' => 'Search',
'sb_search_do' => 'Search',
'sb_search_query' => 'Search for...',
'sb_motions_none' => 'none',
'sb_amends_none' => 'none',
'sb_comm_none' => 'none',
'sb_comm_to' => 'To',
'sb_feeds' => 'Feeds',
'search_no_query' => 'To search term entered',
'new_item' => 'New item',
'pdf_amendments' => 'Tous les amendements',
'pdf_amendments_small' => 'PDFs: amendements',
'sb_search_form' => 'Formulaire de recherche',
'sb_search_desc' => 'Le terme à rechercher.',
'sb_search' => 'Rechercher',
'sb_search_do' => 'Rechercher',
'sb_search_query' => 'Rechercher...',
'sb_motions_none' => 'Aucune',
'sb_amends_none' => 'Aucun',
'sb_comm_none' => 'Aucun',
'sb_comm_to' => 'à',
'sb_feeds' => 'Flux',
'search_no_query' => 'Rechercher le terme entré',
'new_item' => 'Nouvel item',

'activity_bc' => 'Activities',
'activity_title' => 'Activity log',
'activity_bc' => 'Activitéss',
'activity_title' => 'Historique',

'noti_title' => 'Notifications',
'noti_bc' => 'Notifications',
'noti_err_no_email' => '<strong>No E-mail-address</strong><br>
If you want to be notified about eventy by e-mail, you have to enter your address.<br><br>
You can do so in the <a href="%URL%">preferences</a>.',
'noti_triggers' => 'What do you want to be notified about?',
'noti_motions' => 'New motions / applications',
'noti_amendments' => 'New amendments',
'noti_comments' => 'New comments',
'noti_save' => 'Save',
'noti_err_no_email' => '<strong>Pas d\'adresse email</strong><br>
Si vous souhaitez être notifié par email, vous devez entrer une adresse.<br><br>
Vous pouvez le faire dans les <a href="%URL%">préférences</a>.',
'noti_triggers' => 'A propos de quoi souhaitez-vous recevoir des notifications ?',
'noti_motions' => 'Nouvelles motions / candidatures',
'noti_amendments' => 'Nouvaux amendements',
'noti_comments' => 'Nouveaux commentaires',
'noti_save' => 'Enregistrer',
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions messages/fr/diff.php
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@

return [
'after_line' => 'After line #LINETO#:',
'after_line_del' => 'Delete after line #LINETO#:',
'after_line_ins' => 'Insert after line #LINETO#:',
'pre_line_ins' => 'Insert before line #LINE#:',
'in_line' => 'In line #LINETO#:',
'in_line_del' => 'Delete in line #LINETO#:',
'in_line_ins' => 'Insert in line #LINETO#:',
'line_to' => 'From line #LINEFROM# to #LINETO#:',
'line_to_del' => 'Delete from line #LINEFROM# to #LINETO#:',
'line_to_ins' => 'Insert from line #LINEFROM# to #LINETO#:',
'space' => 'Space',
'newline' => 'Newline',
'plain_text_del' => 'DELETE',
'plain_text_ins' => 'INSERT',
'after_line' => 'Après la ligne #LINETO# :',
'after_line_del' => 'Supprimer après la ligne #LINETO# :',
'after_line_ins' => 'Insérer après la ligne #LINETO# :',
'pre_line_ins' => 'Insérer avant la ligne #LINE# :',
'in_line' => 'A la ligne line #LINETO# :',
'in_line_del' => 'Supprimer à la ligne #LINETO# :',
'in_line_ins' => 'Insérer à la ligne #LINETO# :',
'line_to' => 'De la ligne #LINEFROM# à la ligne #LINETO# :',
'line_to_del' => 'Supprimer de la ligne #LINEFROM# à la ligne #LINETO# :',
'line_to_ins' => 'Insérer de la ligne #LINEFROM# à la ligne #LINETO# :',
'space' => 'Espace',
'newline' => 'Nouvelle ligne',
'plain_text_del' => 'Supprimer',
'plain_text_ins' => 'Insérer',
54 changes: 27 additions & 27 deletions messages/fr/export.php
Expand Up @@ -2,39 +2,39 @@

return [
'Page' => 'Page',
'Initiators' => 'Proposer',
'introduction' => 'Motion for...',
'InitiatorSingle' => 'Proposer',
'InitiatorMulti' => 'Proposers',
'ResolutionDate' => 'Resolution date',
'AgendaItem' => 'Agenda item',
'TopicSingle' => 'Topic',
'TopicMulti' => 'Topics',
'all_motions_title' => 'All motions',
'all_amendments_title' => 'All amendments',
'title' => 'Title',
'draft' => 'Draft',
'Initiators' => 'Auteur',
'introduction' => 'Motion pour...',
'InitiatorSingle' => 'Auteur',
'InitiatorMulti' => 'Auteurs',
'ResolutionDate' => 'Date de la résolution',
'AgendaItem' => 'Point à l\'ordre du jour',
'TopicSingle' => 'Sujet',
'TopicMulti' => 'Sujets',
'all_motions_title' => 'Toutes les motions',
'all_amendments_title' => 'Tous les amendements',
'title' => 'Titre',
'draft' => 'Brouillon',
'motion' => 'Motion',
'misc' => 'Other',
'motions' => 'Motions',
'amendments' => 'Amendments',
'line' => 'Line',
'amend_change' => 'Change',
'amend_reason' => 'Reason',
'motion_reason' => 'Reason',
'agenda_item' => 'Agenda',
'prefix_short' => 'Signature',
'initiator' => 'Proposer',
'text' => 'Text',
'amendments' => 'Amendements',
'line' => 'Ligne',
'amend_change' => 'Changement',
'amend_reason' => 'Justification',
'motion_reason' => 'Explication',
'agenda_item' => 'Ordre du jour',
'prefix_short' => 'Préfixe',
'initiator' => 'Auteur',
'text' => 'Texte',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'contact' => 'Contact',
'procedure' => 'Procedure',
'procedure' => 'Procédure',
'mail_motion_x' => 'motion %MOTION%',
'mail_amendment_x_to_y' => 'amendment %AMENDMENT% to the motion %MOTION%',
'mail_body' => "Hi %NAME%,\n\nI am contacting you because of your %MOTION%, which I am responsible for.",
'filename_amendments' => 'Amendment',
'mail_amendment_x_to_y' => 'amendement %AMENDMENT% à la motion %MOTION%',
'mail_body' => "Salut %NAME%,\n\nJe te contacte au sujet de ta motion %MOTION%, pour laquelle je suis responsable.",
'filename_amendments' => 'Amendement',
'filename_motions' => 'Motion',
'incl_withdrawn' => 'Incl. withdrawn',
'incl_withdrawn' => 'Dont retiré',
'btn_openslides' => 'Openslides',
'btn_amendments' => 'Amendments',
'btn_amendments' => 'Amendements',

0 comments on commit d6acad9

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