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CausticKirbyZ edited this page Apr 17, 2022 · 1 revision

Basic Usage

Files or Strings

SprayCannon is designed to be flexible. Both files and single items are supported for a variety of options. The username -u or password -p options are good examples of this.


spraycannon -s o365 -u -p Password1
spraycannon -s o365 -u myuserlist.txt -p passwords.txt


SprayCannon is designed to leverage multiple threads but will not do so unless you specify so.( opsec / op safety ). SprayCannon uses a queue with worker threads to acomplish this task. the more threads you have the more workers. Purely adding threads does NOT mean your spray will go faster! Because each worker thread pulls from the job queue threading only increases the speed of a spray as long as there is work to do. For example if you have a long login process, maybe 2 or 3 requests to verify a login(long right?) then threading will be much more effective due to more work per login attempt. Use the --jitter, --delay, and --threads flags together to coordinate the most appropriate spraying cadence you desire.

The spraying queue is only single threaded(its putting a user/pass in a queue in a loop its fast enough already)


spraycannon -s o365 -u usernames.txt -p Password123 --threads 10 spraycannon -s o365 -u usernames.txt -p Password123 --threads 10 --jitter 100