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Getting Started With OkaWSSEAuthenticationBundle

This bundle provides an WSSE authenticator system.


The OkaWSSEAuthenticationBundle has the following requirements:

  • PHP 7.2+
  • Symfony 3.4+


Installation is a quick (I promise!) 5 step process:

  1. Download OkaWSSEAuthenticationBundle
  2. Register the Bundle
  3. Create your WSSEUser class
  4. Configure the Bundle
  5. Update your database schema

Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require coka/wsse-authentication-bundle

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Register the Bundle

Symfony 3 Version

Then, register the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            // ...
            new Oka\WSSEAuthenticationBundle\OkaWSSEAuthenticationBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Symfony 4 Version

Then, register the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project (Flex did it automatically):

return [
    Oka\WSSEAuthenticationBundle\OkaWSSEAuthenticationBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Step 3: Create your WSSEUser class

The goal of this bundle is to persist some WSSEUser class to a database (MySql). Your first job, then, is to create the WSSEUser class for you application. This class can look and act however you want: add any properties or methods you find useful. This is your WSSEUser class.

The bundle provides base classes which are already mapped for most fields to make it easier to create your entity. Here is how you use it:

  1. Extend the base WSSEUser class (from the Model folder)
  2. Map the id field. It must be protected as it is inherited from the parent class.


When you extend from the mapped superclass provided by the bundle, don't redefine the mapping for the other fields as it is provided by the bundle.

Your WSSEUser class can live inside any bundle in your application. For example, if you work at "Acme" company, then you might create a bundle called AcmeAuthenticationBundle and place your WSSEUser class in it.

In the following sections, you'll see examples of how your WSSEUser class should look, depending on how you're storing your entities.


The doc uses a bundle named AcmeAuthenticationBundle. If you want to use the same name, you need to register it in your kernel. But you can of course place your WSSEUser class in the bundle you want.


If you override the __construct() method in your WSSEUser class, be sure to call parent::__construct(), as the base WSSEUser class depends on this to initialize some fields.

Doctrine ORM WSSEUser class

you must persisting your entity via the Doctrine ORM, then your WSSEUser class should live in the Entity namespace of your bundle and look like this to start:

// src/Acme/AuthenticationBundle/Entity/WSSEUser.php

namespace Acme\AuthenticationBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Oka\WSSEAuthenticationBundle\Model\WSSEUser as BaseWSSEUser;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="wsse_user")
class WSSEUser extends BaseWSSEUser
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

    public function __construct()
        // your own logic

If you use yml to configure Doctrine you must add two files. The Entity and the orm.yml:

// src/Acme/AuthenticationBundle/Entity/WSSEUser.php

namespace Acme\AuthenticationBundle\Entity;

use Oka\WSSEAuthenticationBundle\Model\WSSEUser as BaseWSSEUser;

 * WSSEUser
class WSSEUser extends BaseWSSEUser
	public function __construct()
		// your own logic
# src/Acme/AuthenticationBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/WSSEUser.orm.yml
    type: entity
    table: wsse_user
            type: integer
                strategy: AUTO

Step 4: Configure the Bundle

Add the following configuration to your config/packages/oka_wsse_authentication.yaml.

# config/packages/oka_wsse_authentication.yaml
    db_driver: orm
    model_manager_name: null
    user_class: Acme\AuthenticationBundle\Entity\WSSEUser
    realm: 'Secured Area'
        lifetime: 300
    enabled_allowed_ips_voter: true # Enables the voter that allows access to requests at only certain ips allocated for the current authenticated client

Add the following configuration to your config/packages/security.yaml.

# config/packages/security.yaml
# Add `user_provider` in providers configuration section and using the "wsse" user provider
                class: Acme\AuthenticationBundle\Entity\WSSEUser

# Add `wsse` in firewalls configuration section
            request_matcher: oka_wsse_authentication.request_matcher
            stateless: true
            anonymous: true
            provider: user_provider
                authenticators: [oka_wsse_authentication.wsse_authenticator]

# you must define at least one entry in your `access_control`
      - { path: '^/', roles: ROLE_API_USER }

# Define strategy decision like `unanimous` for allows wsse voter has denied access or abstain
# then the wsse voter which control user access by ip is enabled 
        strategy: unanimous

### Step 5: Update your database schema

Now that the bundle is configured, the last thing you need to do is update your database schema because you have added a new entity, the WSSEUser class which you created in Step 4.

Run the following command.

$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

You now can access at the index page!

How use this?

Now that the bundle is installed

curl -i -X GET -H 'Authorization: UsernameToken Username="admin", PasswordDigest="53dGT2c83M446zUJfpr9lanpeY0=", Nonce="MTM3OGM2YzJlZDYyNDE5Ng==", Created="2019-03-30T09:52:33Z"'