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This project is about coding a C library.

Mandatory Part

Program name libft.a
Turn in files Makefile, libft.h, ft_*.c
Makefile NAME, all, clean, fclean, re
External functs write, malloc, free
Description Write your own library: a collection of functions that will be a useful tool for your cursus.

Part 1 - Libc functions

Function Name File Description
ft_isalpha ft_isalpha.c Check if a character is alphabetic.
ft_isdigit ft_isdigit.c Check if a character is a digit.
ft_isalnum ft_isalnum.c Check if a character is alphanumeric.
ft_isascii ft_isascii.c Check if a character is within ASCII range.
ft_isprint ft_isprint.c Check if a character is printable.
ft_strlen ft_strlen.c Calculate the length of a string.
ft_memset ft_memset.c Fill memory with a constant byte.
ft_bzero ft_bzero.c Set the first n bytes of memory to zero.
ft_memcpy ft_memcpy.c Copy memory area.
ft_memmove ft_memmove.c Copy memory area, allowing overlapping memory.
ft_strlcpy ft_strlcpy.c Copy a string into a sized buffer.
ft_strlcat ft_strlcat.c Append a string to a sized buffer.
ft_toupper ft_toupper.c Convert a character to uppercase.
ft_tolower ft_tolower.c Convert a character to lowercase.
ft_strchr ft_strchr.c Locate the first occurrence of a character in a string.
ft_strrchr ft_strrchr.c Locate the last occurrence of a character in a string.
ft_strncmp ft_strncmp.c Compare two strings up to a given length.
ft_memchr ft_memchr.c Locate the first occurrence of a byte in memory.
ft_memcmp ft_memcmp.c Compare two blocks of memory.
ft_strnstr ft_strnstr.c Locate a substring in a string.
ft_atoi ft_atoi.c Convert a string to an integer.

Part 2 - Additional functions

Function Name File Description
ft_substr ft_substr.c Create a substring from a string.
ft_strjoin ft_strjoin.c Concatenate two strings into a new one.
ft_strtrim ft_strtrim.c Trim characters from the beginning and end of a string.
ft_split ft_split.c Split a string into an array of substrings.
ft_itoa ft_itoa.c Convert an integer to a string.
ft_strmapi ft_strmapi.c Apply a function to each character in a string.
ft_striteri ft_striteri.c Apply a function to each character in a string with index.
ft_putchar_fd ft_putchar_fd.c Write a character to a file descriptor.
ft_putstr_fd ft_putstr_fd.c Write a string to a file descriptor.
ft_putendl_fd ft_putendl_fd.c Write a string followed by a newline to a file descriptor.
ft_putnbr_fd ft_putnbr_fd.c Write an integer to a file descriptor.

Bonus Part - List Functions

Function Name File Description
ft_lstnew ft_lstnew.c Create a new list node.
ft_lstadd_front ft_lstadd_front.c Add a node to the front of the list.
ft_lstsize ft_lstsize.c Get the number of nodes in a list.
ft_lstlast ft_lstlast.c Get the last node of a list.
ft_lstadd_back ft_lstadd_back.c Add a node to the end of the list.
ft_lstdelone ft_lstdelone.c Delete a node from the list.
ft_lstclear ft_lstclear.c Clear the entire list and free memory.
ft_lstiter ft_lstiter.c Iterate over the list and apply a function to each node.
ft_lstmap ft_lstmap.c Create a new list by applying a function to each node.

Bonus Part

typedef struct s_list
void *content;
struct s_list *next;
} t_list;
  • content: The data contained in the node.
  • void * allows to store any kind of data.
  • next: The address of the next node, or NULL if the next node is the last one.


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