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A SpaDES crash-course

This guide is an introduction to the SpaDES R modelling platform. It covers how to make and link SpaDES modules using SpaDES in two examples. Both examples draw on basic uses of statistical models in ecology, notably the relationships between environmental variables and species abundance and presence.

The guide can be accessed here, and it is divided in two parts.

Part 1 is very minimal, and uses only randomly generated data (no dowloading necessary). It is meant to introduce users creating and linking SpaDES modules, introducing the different parts of a module and how a SpaDES model (i.e. group of linked modules) works.

Part 2 uses real and freely available data (that is downloaded by the created modules), and provides a deeper look into several useful aspects of SpaDES, such as automatically downloading and pre-processing spatial data and caching. This example also covers several good practices in the context of developing and sharing models built with SpaDES.

See also:

SpaDES installation

caching and debugging



  • transition to Quarto
  • a few minor textual changes


  • Updates for R 4.3 and new package versions
  • raster to terra transition
  • several GitHub-Actions-related fixes
  • automated testing via GitHub Actions implementated


v.1.1.0 (Non-existing version)


  • First stable version

Happy SpaDESing!