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Project Overview

This project is a web-based application that reads RSS feeds. I used Jasmine for testing purposes.Testing is an important part of the development process and many organizations practice a standard of development known as "test-driven development" to ensure that their projects works well. I used this project to master my skills of using Jasmine to write a number of tests against a pre-existing application

How to use the application

  1. Review the application in your browser and the application's HTML (./index.html), CSS (./css/style.css) and JavaScript (./js/app.js) to gain an understanding of how it works and do the same with the Jasmine spec file in ./jasmine/spec/feedreader.js

  2. Several edits can be made one at a time to force a failure.

i. Edit the allFeeds variable in ./js/app.js to make the provided test fail and see how Jasmine visualizes this failure in the application. Return the allFeeds variable to a passing state

ii. Edit the name property of the allFeeds variable in ./js/app.js to make the provided test fail and see how Jasmine visualizes this failure in the application.The name property should be set to an empty string. Return the property to it's original state after the test. Carry out the same procedure for the URL property of the allFeeds variable by making it empty so that the URL length will be 0.

iii. The same procedure is carried for the The menu where the test is to check if the element is hidden by default. If the body contains a class called menu-hidden then that menu is hidden.

iv. The next test ensures the menu changes visibility when the menu icon is clicked. This test should have two expectations: does the menu display when clicked and does it hide when clicked again.This is achieved through the use of the click method of the menu and changing the expect statement to toBe true. We carry on to check if the menu toggles on and off. The if statement is used for the toggling effect. The statements in the if block are put vice-versa to force a failure.

v. The Initial test is an async test, for this test the beforeEach is used. The expect statement inside the completes work where the expectation is that the children of the feed container has a length property that is greater than 0 to be true. To force a failure remove the keyword done from the beforeEach function.

vi. The last test suite is the New Feed Selection where the test is to ensure that content changes when the loadFeed() function is loaded. In this test 2 feeds has to be loaded to check that the content changes.The done keyword is also removed to force a failure.

About the author

Chamunorwa Mutezva also known as Chamu Mutezva is a student at Udacity for the Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree program.


Download the zip folder from Github Unzip your folder and open it Look for the index.html file Right click it and select View in browser


  1. Google Apis
  2. [Jasmine Libraries].
    1. (jasmine/lib/jasmine-2.1.2/jasmine.css).
    2. (jasmine/lib/jasmine-2.1.2/jasmine.js).
    3. (jasmine/lib/jasmine-2.1.2/jasmine-html.js).
    4. (jasmine/lib/jasmine-2.1.2/boot.js).


The main code was provided by Udacity as a course work. Please you are free to email on (

I was inspired by Udacity to do the project as part of my course work and was guided by the Udacity mentors on areas that i needed explanation.


A Javascript testing project






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