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ChangeWindows 7.2.2

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@Studio384 Studio384 released this 29 May 22:29
· 347 commits to main since this release

ChangeWindows 7.2.2 brings a number of minor enhancements and fixes


  • #119 When a child of the overflow menu for the platform navigation is now active, the overflow menu itself will now appear as the active page to better indicate this.
  • #120 Every release card will now show the platform icon to provide better visual distinction and add a little more flair to the platform page, especially for legacy platforms.


  • #118 Fixes an issue where ChangeWindows would collect the first flight for each channel for every release that has had that channel for the timeline sidebar as well as the Channels-page. This reduces the amount of data send over by 46 kB and makes for a faster experience.
  • #118 Also fixes an issue where under some conditions, the last package update would be shown in the channel rather than the last build flight when the package channel's version is higher and released later.
  • #121 Fixes an issue where the platform-pages would show the "Channel" heading when no channels were available (like for legacy platforms).
  • #123 The switch-control will now also be dark in dark mode.
  • fea7216 Fixes errors in the JSX syntax usage of className.