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Sparsifying the Update Step in Graph Neural Networks

made-with-python License: MIT

This repository is the official implementation of Sparsifying the Update Step in Graph Neural Networks.

Our implementation follows the pipeline proposed in Dwivedi et al. 2020. We modify the code from their original repo to add expander and activation-only implementations in the layers and nets folders. Note that for the Principal Neighbourhood Aggregation (PNA) model, which was not initially included in Dwivedi et al. 2020, we have included the code from the official implementation with small modifications to adjust to the Dwivedi et al. 2020 pipeline.


An appropriate virtual environment can be created by conda using the provided environments file,

conda env create -f environments.yml

Notice that the deep graph library (dgl) is required to be the latest release(>=0.6.0). It thus needs to be installed separately via

pip install dgl-cu101


To run the full batch of experiments shown in the paper, simply execute the bash file in scripts, e.g. to run the experiments comparing the expander model, activation-only model, SGC and vanilla model on the TU datasets, execute

bash scripts/

To replicate the result of a specific model on a single dataset, for example, the experiment of the expander model with 10% density on the arxiv dataset can be reproduced by

python --dataset arxiv --out_dir ./example/ --experiment "expander-density-0.1" --model GCN --linear_type expander --density 0.1 --activations relu --config ./configs/citation_node_classification/GCN_citation_100k.json --mlp_layers 1 --use_gpu True

Different model types can be experimented with by choosing the input to the parameter linear_type from expander/regular and to the parameter model from GCN/ActivationGCN/SimpleGCN.

This repository contains code for reproducing experiments on four TU datasets (ENZYMES/DD/Proteins-full/IMDB-Binary integrated in deep graph library) and four Citation Datasets (Cora/Citeseer/Pubmed integrated in deep graph library, ogbn-arxiv integrated in open graph benchmark).

Hyperparameters for model training of each dataset are stored in the configs folder. We take hyperparameters settings from the benchmark paper Dwivedi et al. 2020, where they share the sets of hyperparameters that give their benchmark results. For the citation datasets which are not included in Dwivedi et al. 2020, we take hyperparameters settings that are shared by their official implementations in SGC and open graph benchmark.


Accuracy for Graph (ENZYMES/Proteins) and Node (ogbn-arxiv) Classification

Methods\Datasets ENZYMES Proteins ogbn-arxiv
Vanilla GCN 66.50±8.71 76.73±3.85 71.22±0.76
Expander GCN (50%) 64.83±8.64 76.36±3.43 71.42±0.55
Activation-only GCN (prelu) 66.67±6.71 75.29±4.85 68.29±0.13
SGC 63.67±8.06 67.65±2.21 66.53±0.07



  • Johannes F. Lutzeyer*
  • Changmin Wu*
  • Michalis Vazirgiannis

*: Equal Contribution

The paper is accepted at ICLR 2022 workshop on Geometrical and Topological Representation Learning. If you find our repo useful, please cite

      title={Sparsifying the Update Step in Graph Neural Networks}, 
      author={Johannes F. Lutzeyer and Changmin Wu and Michalis Vazirgiannis},


expander layer embedded with graph neural network for better efficiency and generality






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