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Showing with 23 additions and 0 deletions.
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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions
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![Contributor Guidance](

# Summary
Give the issue a difficulty rating out of 5 stars, where 1 is the easiest issues.
The star rating images are available on
[1/5 stars](
[2/5 stars](
and so on. If the issue is above a 3, consider carefully whether it's realistically doable for a new external contributor.

This Summary section should contain an overview of what the issue involves. Describe basically what it is - essentially repeating the original issue comment. You may also want to briefly mention some rationale for the issue or potential trip points a contributor might encounter.

# Guidance
This is a more detailed run-down of what the fix might look like. Include details like relevant files (and line numbers if that's useful), method and variable names, with links where relevant. Suggest how a contributor might go about fixing the issue, but try not to dictate - you're walking a line here between leaving people in the dark and doing all the work for them. Finish off by asking them to open a pull request when they're done and we'll review it together.

# How to get help
<!-- This section is verbatim; you don't need to change it. -->
For additional support in completing this issue, either:

- comment on this thread
- if you have a Stack Overflow account, drop into [our chatroom]( (you'll need 20 reputation - if you don't have that, let us know your username or ID here and someone will grant access manually)