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MalariaSED is a sequence-based Deep Learning (DL) framework in malaria parasites to understand the contribution of noncoding variants to epigenetic profiles. The current version is able to predict the chromatin impacts, including open chromatin accessibility, H3K9ac, and six TFs, including PfAP2-G, PfAP2-I, PfBDP1, PfAP2-G5, PbAP2-O, and PbAP2-G2, covering different parasite living environments like the mosquito host, the human liver, and human blood cells.


1.bedtools (>2.30.0)

2.tensorflow (2.4.1)

3.numpy (1.19.5)




To download and install MalariaSED

Clone the repository

git clone

cd MalariaSED

Remove the incompleted files, which are not be directly downloaded by git due to file size.

rm TRAINED_model.tar.gz

rm intergenic.SNP.dl.logRatio.list.hash.pickle

Download the big trained model file and the pickle file

wget -c ""

wget -c ""

Decompress the tar.gz file

tar -xzvf TRAINED_model.tar.gz

cd TRAINED_model/

gunzip *

Running Inference

We provide two input formats for users to compute the chromatin profile changes:


The VCF format requests that the beginning four columns of the user input file include chromosome ID, genomic variant location, reference nucleotide (the nucleotide sequence for insertion or deletion) and alternative nucleotide (‘*for deletion). The nucleotide sequence length should be shorter than 1kb.

To run the prediction model, please use the following command:

cd VCF_prediction

python <Variant file> <chromosome length file> <genome fasta file> <output file>

where variant file should contain four columns including chromosomes, variant sites, reference and alternation sequences. We listed an example of variant file as 'example.variants'. 'chromosome length file' is a bed file listing start and end site of each chromosome, while 'genome fasta file' is the fasta sequence information of P.falciparum genome.

Here is an exapmle

cd VCF_prediction

python example.variants ../genome/genome_information_pl9.0.bed ../genome/PlasmoDB-26_Pfalciparum3D7_Genome.fasta outputFILE

Output formats from VCF_prediction

The output of MalairaSED provides a tab-separated file.

Column 1: the information of a input locus, listing as the format "chromosome location", "reference sequence", "alternat sequence"::"1kb extended chromosome location surronding the locus".

Column 2 and 3: The closest gene ID and corresponding distance to the locus, Plasmodb version 26.

Column 4 and 5: The closest gene ID and corresponding distance to the locus, Plasmodb version 55.

Column 6 to 31: The probability of each chromatin profile predicted from MalariaSED

Column 32 to 44: The absolute chromatin effect calculated as log2 fold change of odds.

Column 45 to 57: The E-value of a chromatin effect is the expected fraction of the non-coding variants reported in MalariaGEN database that would present higher effect than the variant here.


Users can upload two Fasta files for reference and alternation sequences. Multiple sequences are allowed, and MalaraiSED will calculate chromatin effects between two Fasta sequences with the same row ID in the reference and alternation files. The length of both Fasta files should be equal to 1kb.

To run the prediction model, please use the following command:

cd FASTA_prediction

python <Reference_fasta_file> <Alternation_fasta_file> <output file>

where <Reference_fasta_file> indicates a fasta file for reference, while <Alternation_fasta_file> for alternate sequence. The sequence length within both of the files should be 1kb, and have the same fasta name.

Here is an exapmle

cd FASTA_prediction

python example.REF.fasta example.ALT.fasta outputFile

Output formats from FASTA_prediction

Column 1: the input fasta head

Column 2 to 27: The probability of each chromatin profile predicted from MalariaSED

Column 28 to 40: The absolute chromatin effect calculated as log2 fold change of odds.

Column 41 to 53: The E-value of a chromatin effect is the expected fraction of the non-coding variants reported in MalariaGEN database that would present higher effect than the variant here.


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