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TSTL Extensions

npm (scoped)

Plugin for TSTL which provides various low-level extensions.

🛠 Installation

  1. Get the latest package from npm:
    npm install -D @cheatoid/tstl-extensions
    # or
    yarn add -D @cheatoid/tstl-extensions
  2. Edit your tsconfig.json file accordingly to enable the plugin:
      "compilerOptions": {
        "types": [
    +     "@typescript-to-lua/language-extensions",
    +     "@cheatoid/tstl-extensions",
      "tstl": {
        "luaPlugins": [
    +     { "name": "@cheatoid/tstl-extensions/index.js" },

✨ Features

Note: This plugin exposes most of low-level functionality via special functions which are prefixed with double-underscore (__).

continue support

If your target Lua environment supports continue statement (such as Garry's Mod Lua)...
Due to specific nature of this feature, you must explicitly opt-in by modifying your tsconfig.json file by appending the following:

  "tstl": {
    "luaPlugins": [
        "name": "@cheatoid/tstl-extensions/index.js",
+       "hasContinue": true

With this change applied, you can use continue in your TS code and it will emit a continue statement in Lua.

goto & label support

Only usable if your target Lua environment supports goto and labels (such as Lua 5.2+ or JIT)...
The following table is hopefully self-explanatory:

TypeScript Lua
__goto("MyLabel") goto MyLabel
__label("MyLabel") ::MyLabel::

Efficient swapping

This allows you to swap two values without a temporary variable:
The following table is hopefully self-explanatory:

TypeScript Lua
__swap(arr[0], arr[1]) arr[1], arr[2] = arr[2], arr[1]


This is useful in-place replacement for as any casting, because it allows to "find all references" quickly.
For example, instead of writing foo as any as TheFoo (or <TheFoo><any>foo), you can instead do unsafe_cast<TheFoo>(foo).

next iterator support

Call __next using for-of loop, you may optionally want to specify a starting index.
Example usage:

for (const [k, v] of __next(_G)) {
    print(k, v);

Transpiles to:

for k, v in next, _G do
    print(k, v)

Aggressive inlining

Function calls have certain performance overhead. This feature allows to inline the body of the given function in-place, which can be beneficial in hot-path for high-performance code. It mostly just works, but consider it as experimental.
Currently there is a drawback in the implementation, the target function must be defined in the same file where you want to inline it.
Simple example:

function InlineExample(name: string) {
    print(`Hello, ${name}`);
    print("The code to be inlined goes here");
const john = "John";
__inline(InlineExample, john);
__inline(InlineExample, "Moon");

Transpiles to:

local john = "John"
    local name = john
    print("Hello, " .. name)
    print("The code to be inlined goes here")
    local name = "Moon"
    print("Hello, " .. name)
    print("The code to be inlined goes here")

Top-level return

This feature allows you to bypass TypeScript limitation - ts(1108) error.
You should only consider this as a last resort option (hint: try using export assignment export = ...), or if you want to bail out from a script.
Simply call __return, you may optionally pass additional arguments to be returned at call site.

And more...

I am just tired to go over all of them... I hope there is a little bit of something for everyone to enjoy. :P

📜 History

This plugin was initially published at GitHub Gist (here), which is outdated as of now, perhaps you may still find something interesting down in the comments.

👏 Credits

Special thanks to TypeScriptToLua developers and contributors for their awesome project.