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=== Easy Click To Tweet Boxes By Cheeky Apps ===
Contributors: scottmoses
Tags: click to tweet, tweet box, tweet this, twitter boxes, twitter, tweet, twitter plugin, share, social media
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Requires at least: 1.0
Tested up to: 4.3
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Create beautiful and responsive "Click to Tweet" & "Tweet This" Boxes. Drive more social media Twitter traffic.

== Description == 

Quickly create beautiful and responsive "Click to Tweet" & "Tweet This" Boxes. This plugin will allow you to drive more Twitter traffic to your blog & give your readers an easy way to share your content.   

= Overview =

>Easy Click To Tweet leverages your current blog traffic in 3 ways:

*	Drive more traffic to your site via Social Media Twitter
* 	Give your readers a better way to share Your content 
*	Reduces bounce rates on your site. Giving your readers beautiful tweet boxes to click, will not only help them engage with your content in ways you never thought possible, but you will be able to lower your bounce rate. Making both you & Google happy.

= Easy Click To Tweet Boxes Features =

*   Works with any WordPress Theme
*   Responsive Tweet Boxes
*   Intuitive User Interface - building Tweet Boxes has never been easier
*	Choose from Three Easy to Use Tweet Boxes

#### Status of Easy Click To Tweet Boxes Premium
> We are currently developing a "Premium" version of this plugin. If you have any bright ideas on how to improve the experence, please let us know. <br />
>Here is what we are currently working on: <br />
*Remove "Powered By" <br />
* More Gorgeous Designs. <br />
* Priority Email Support.<br />
* Tooltips.<br />
* Access to "Highlight to Tweet"<br />
* And much more....<br />
> [Get on the Waiting List for Easy Click To Tweet Premium >>](

= Support =

> As this plugin is in the early stages of development, we want to hear from you and get as much feedback as possible ;-). Feel free to visit our website and email us with any questions you have. 

== Installation ==

1. Upload the Easy Pricing Tables plugin file (``) to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. In your dashboard for any post or page, simply click the "blue bird" icon
4. After you click the icon, a pop up will allow you to write the text you'd like to tweet and select your tweet box.
5. For further directions, after installing the plugin, in your Wordpress sidebar, read the more in-depth directions on how to use the plugin.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= You've noticed a bug, what do you do? This plugin is still in its early stages of development. If you notice a bug please contact us at and tell us. We will be more then happy to help out. 
= You do not like the designs and they do not match your theme?... You are more then welcome to customize the CSS within the source code of your plugin to match your website. Currently we only offer 3 different 150% free styles of our tweet boxes. Although we are currently developing a paid version which will offer more boxes, which of course don't require coding. 

 == Upgrade Notice ==

 >Currently we are working on a new UI. That will make this super easy to use plugin more intuitive.


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