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fixed missing package
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Ryan Ridden authored and Ryan Ridden committed May 1, 2024
1 parent 01c5078 commit 5f5ba34
Showing 1 changed file with 226 additions and 1 deletion.
227 changes: 226 additions & 1 deletion tessreduce/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,15 @@
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.ndimage import shift
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve
from skimage.restoration import inpaint

from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip

Expand All @@ -26,7 +28,7 @@
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.time import Time

import lightkurve as lk

import requests
import json
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -621,3 +623,226 @@ def external_get_TESS():
print('Too Many tpfs here!')
tpf = lk.TessTargetPixelFile(target)
return tpf

def sig_err(data,err=None,sig=5,maxiter=10):
if sig is None:
sig = 5
clipped = data.copy()
ind = np.arange(0,len(data))
breaker = 0
if err is not None:
for i in range(maxiter):
nonan = np.isfinite(clipped)
med = np.average(clipped[nonan],weights=1/err[nonan])
#med = np.nanmedian(clipped)
std = np.nanstd(clipped)
mask = (clipped-1*err > med + 3*std) #| (clipped+1*err < med - 3*std)
clipped[mask] = np.nan
if ~mask.any():

mask = np.isnan(clipped)
mask = sigma_clip(data,sigma_upper=sig,sigma_lower=10).mask
return mask

def Identify_masks(Obj):
Uses an iterrative process to find spacially seperated masks in the object mask.
objsub = np.copy(Obj*1)
Objmasks = []

mask1 = np.zeros((Obj.shape))
if np.nansum(objsub) > 0:
mask1[np.where(objsub==1)[0][0]] = 1

while np.nansum(objsub) > 0:
conv = ((convolve(mask1*1,np.ones(3),mode='constant', cval=0.0)) > 0)*1.0
objsub = objsub - mask1
objsub[objsub < 0] = 0
if np.nansum(conv*objsub) > 0:

mask1 = mask1 + (conv * objsub)
mask1 = (mask1 > 0)*1

Objmasks.append(mask1 > 0)
mask1 = np.zeros((Obj.shape))
if np.nansum(objsub) > 0:
mask1[np.where(objsub==1)[0][0]] = 1
return np.array(Objmasks)

def auto_tail(lc,mask,err = None):
if err is not None:
higherr = sigma_clip(err,sigma=2).mask
higherr = False
masks = Identify_masks(mask*1)
med = np.nanmedian(lc[1][~mask & ~higherr])
std = np.nanstd(lc[1][~mask & ~higherr])

if lc.shape[1] > 4000:
tail_length = 50
start_length = 10

tail_length = 5
start_length = 1

for i in range(len(masks)):
m = np.argmax(lc[1]*masks[i])
sig = (lc[1][m] - med) / std
median = np.nanmedian(sig[sig>0])
if median > 50:
sig = sig / 100
#sig[(sig < 1) & (sig > 0)] = 1
if sig > 20:
sig = 20
if sig < 0:
sig = 0
masks[i][int(m-sig*start_length):int(m+tail_length*sig)] = 1
masks[i] = masks[i] > 0
summed = np.nansum(masks*1,axis=0)
mask = summed > 0
return ~mask

def Multiple_day_breaks(lc):
If the TESS data has a section of data isolated by at least a day either side,
it is likely poor data. Such regions are identified and removed.
Flux - 3d array
Time - 1d array
removed_flux - 3d array
ind = np.where(~np.isnan(lc[1]))[0]
breaks = np.array([np.where(np.diff(lc[0][ind]) > .5)[0] +1])
breaks = np.insert(breaks,0,0)
breaks = np.append(breaks,len(lc[0]))
return breaks

### Serious source mask
from .catalog_tools import *
from sklearn.cluster import OPTICS
def Cat_mask(tpf,maglim=19,scale=1,strapsize=3,badpix=None,ref=None,sigma=3):
Make a source mask from the PS1 and Gaia catalogs.
tpf : lightkurve target pixel file
tpf of the desired region
maglim : float
magnitude limit in PS1 i band and Gaia G band for sources.
scale : float
scale factor for default mask size
strapsize : int
size of the mask for TESS straps
badpix : str
not implemented correctly, so just ignore!
total mask : bitmask
a bitwise mask for the given tpf. Bits are as follows:
0 - background
1 - catalogue source
2 - saturated source
4 - strap mask
8 - bad pixel (not used)
from .cat_mask import Big_sat, gaia_auto_mask, ps1_auto_mask, Strap_mask
wcs = tpf.wcs
image = tpf.flux[100]
image = strip_units(image)
gp,gm = Get_Gaia(tpf,magnitude_limit=maglim)
gaia = pd.DataFrame(np.array([gp[:,0],gp[:,1],gm]).T,columns=['x','y','mag'])
#if tpf.dec > -30:
# pp,pm = Get_PS1(tpf,magnitude_limit=maglim)
# ps1 = pd.DataFrame(np.array([pp[:,0],pp[:,1],pm]).T,columns=['x','y','mag'])
# mp = ps1_auto_mask(ps1,image,scale)
# mp = {}
# mp['all'] = np.zeros_like(image)

sat = Big_sat(gaia,image,scale)
if ref is None:
mg = gaia_auto_mask(gaia,image,scale)
mask = (mg['all'] > 0).astype(int) * 1 # assign 1 bit
mg = np.zeros_like(ref,dtype=int)
mean, med, std = sigma_clipped_stats(ref)
lim = med + sigma * std
ind = ref > lim
mg[ind] = 1
mask = (mg > 0).astype(int) * 1 # assign 1 bit

sat = (np.nansum(sat,axis=0) > 0).astype(int) * 2 # assign 2 bit
#mask = ((mg['all']+mp['all']) > 0).astype(int) * 1 # assign 1 bit

if strapsize > 0:
strap = Strap_mask(image,tpf.column,strapsize).astype(int) * 4 # assign 4 bit
strap = np.zeros_like(image,dtype=int)
if badpix is not None:
bp = cat_mask.Make_bad_pixel_mask(badpix, file)
totalmask = mask | sat | strap | bp
totalmask = mask | sat | strap

return totalmask, gaia


def Cluster_lc(lc):
arr = np.array([np.gradient(lc[1]),lc[1]])
clust = OPTICS(min_samples=12, xi=.05, min_cluster_size=.05)
opt =
lab = opt.labels_
keys = np.unique(opt.labels_)

m = np.zeros(len(keys))
for i in range(len(keys)):
m[i] = np.nanmedian(lc[1,keys[i]==lab])
bkg_ind = lab == keys[np.nanargmin(m)]
other_ind = ~bkg_ind

return bkg_ind, other_ind

def Cluster_cut(lc,err=None,sig=3,smoothing=True,buffer=48*2):
bkg_ind, other_ind = Cluster_lc(lc)
leng = 5
if smoothing:
for i in range(leng-2):
kern = np.zeros((leng))
kern[[0, -1]] = 1
other_ind[convolve(other_ind*1, kern) > 1] = True
leng -= 1
segments = Identify_masks(other_ind)
clipped = lc[1].copy()
med = np.nanmedian(clipped[bkg_ind])
std = np.nanstd(clipped[bkg_ind])
if err is not None:
mask = (clipped-1*err > med + sig*std)
mask = (clipped > med + sig*std)
overlap = np.nansum(mask * segments,axis=1) > 0
mask = np.nansum(segments[overlap],axis=0)>0
mask = convolve(mask,np.ones(buffer)) > 0
return mask

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