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ChengwenYuan edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 1 revision




  1. 给出未排序的数组。
  2. 在数组中选一个数字,选哪个数字不重要,选第一个数字是最简单的。
  3. 将这个数字插入到一个新的数组中。
  4. 在未排序数组中选择下一个数字,将它插入到新数组中,将新数组中的两个数字进行排序。
  5. 继续将剩下的数字放入已排序数组中,直到未排序数组中的数字被全被取出,这时新数组就是一个有序数组了。



[ 3, 5, 8, 4 | 6 ]
[ 3, 5, 4, 8 | 6 ]
func insertionSort(_ arr: [Int]) -> [Int] {
    var newArr = arr
    for x in 1 ..< newArr.count {
        var y = x
        while y > 0 && newArr[y] < newArr[y - 1] {
            swap(&newArr[y], &newArr[y-1])
            y -= 1
    return newArr



[ 3, 5, 8, 4 | 6 ]   remember 4

[ 3, 5, 8, 8 | 6 ]   shift 8 to the right
[ 3, 5, 5, 8 | 6 ]   shift 5 to the right
[ 3, 4, 5, 8 | 6 ]   copy 4 into place
func insertionSort<T>(_ arr: [T], _ compareBlock:(T, T) -> Bool) -> [T] {
    var newArr = arr
    for x in 1 ..< newArr.count {
        var y = x
        let temp = newArr[y]
        while y > 0 && compareBlock(temp, newArr[y - 1]) {
            newArr[y] = newArr[y - 1]
            y -= 1
        newArr[y] = temp
    return newArr

let a = [10, -1, 3, 9, 2, 27, 8, 5, 1, 3, 0, 26]

print(insertionSort(a, <)) 


从0开始,找到数组中最小的元素放到index为0的元素上。 从1开始,找到数组中最小的元素放到index为1的元素上。 ...


func selectionSort(_ arr: [Int]) -> [Int] {
    guard arr.count > 1 else {
        return arr
    var a = arr
    for x in 0 ..< a.count - 1 {
        var lowest = x
        for y in x + 1 ..< a.count {
            if (a[lowest] > a[y])
                lowest = y
        if x != lowest {
            swap(&a[x], &a[lowest])
    return a

shell 排序/ 希尔排序

核心思想是:待排序列有n个元素,先取一个小于n的整数h1作为第一个增量,把待排序列以间隔h1分成若干子序列,子序列内使用插入排序;然后取第二个增量h2(< h1),重复上述的划分和排序,直至所取的增量hl = 1 (h1 > h2 > ... > hl)。

[64, 20, 50, 33, 72, 10, 23, -1, 4]

长度除2 做为第一个增量
n = floor(9/2) = 4
sublist 0:  [ 64, xx, xx, xx, 72, xx, xx, xx, 4  ]
sublist 1:  [ xx, 20, xx, xx, xx, 10, xx, xx, xx ]
sublist 2:  [ xx, xx, 50, xx, xx, xx, 23, xx, xx ]
sublist 3:  [ xx, xx, xx, 33, xx, xx, xx, -1, xx ]

sublist 0:  [ 4, xx, xx, xx, 64, xx, xx, xx, 72 ]
sublist 1:  [ xx, 10, xx, xx, xx, 20, xx, xx, xx ]
sublist 2:  [ xx, xx, 23, xx, xx, xx, 50, xx, xx ]
sublist 3:  [ xx, xx, xx, -1, xx, xx, xx, 33, xx ]

[ 4, 10, 23, -1, 64, 20, 50, 33, 72 ]
第二次以n = 4/2 = 2作为增量分割数组
sublist 0:  [  4, xx, 23, xx, 64, xx, 50, xx, 72 ]
sublist 1:  [ xx, 10, xx, -1, xx, 20, xx, 33, xx ]
[ 4, -1, 23, 10, 50, 20, 64, 33, 72 ]

第三次 n = 2/2 = 1

func shellSort(_ list: inout [Int]) {
    guard list.count > 1 else {
    var sublistCount = list.count / 2
    while sublistCount > 0 {
        for index in 0 ..< list.count {
            var temp = index
            while temp < list.count {
                if list[index] > list[temp] {
                    swap(&list[index], &list[temp])
                temp += sublistCount
        sublistCount = sublistCount/2