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Tutorial: Slash Command Reply with Pagination

Olivia edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 1 revision

Pagination is a very nice thing. How do we do it as a reply to slash commands? Follow these steps:

First, send a deferred reply or a "loading" reply.

We need to get an interaction so we can send this to the paginator to edit. Do something like this:

event.replyEmbeds(new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Retrieving answers...").build()).queue(interactionHook -> {
    interactionHook.retrieveOriginal().queue(message -> {
        // Code goes here

We opened up a lambda because now we can actually do our work. Inside, we can build our paginator.

Once built, you can send it!

event.replyEmbeds(new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Retrieving answers...").build()).queue(interactionHook -> {
    interactionHook.retrieveOriginal().queue(message -> {
        Paginator paginator = new Paginator.Builder().build();

        paginator.paginate(message, 1);