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Reference implementation for the pierport protocol UIP

This repository contains reference implementation of the Pierport Protocol UIP, and acts as an intermediate proxy for verifying and cleaning up a pier before it gets imported.

The default configuration is a bit aggressive, most notably, cram is being used to verify integrity of the pier, before and after performing cleanup tasks.

Docker usage


You may build pierport inside a docker container. In which case, just do the following:

docker build . -t pierport


You may then run it as follows:

docker run -p 4242 --name pierport -it pierport

To configure pierport, you may choose to either set specific PRT_ environment variables (eg.: -e PRT_PU_VERIFY_CRAM=false), or bind mount a config toml file to the container using -v path/to/config.toml:/pierport_cfg.toml.

To see available configuration environment variables, see file.

Running tests

Once you have a built the image, tagged as pierport, you may also run the tests:

sh scripts/