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This repository contains all completed personal projects. The README file provides more information for each project.

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Below is a comprehensive list of every project I have completed,
grouped by the main tool used.

  • Links in the initital Project column will lead to the project files on GitHub containing datasets, notebooks and/or code files.

  • Links in the last column will lead to any app or dashboard associated with said project.

  • The full-stack section contains projects that were done using some combination of the tools listed before it.

Table Of Contents


Project Description
Adidas U.S Sales Analysis -Used MS Excel to analyze 2 years worth of U.S sales data for the German athletic apparel and footwear corporation, Adidas.

-Leveraged Pivot Tables to gain insight in to the dataset and put together a number of visualizations to breakdown sales by region, retailer, etc.
Supply Chain Analysis -Used MS Excel to analyze supply chain shipments and commodity pricing for HIV/AIDS medication from the U.S.

-Leveraged Pivot Tables to gain insight into the dataset and put together visualizations for a dashboard.
Bike Buyer Analysis -Used Excel to analyze data on a bike shops customers. The dataset includes 11 features including age, occupation, income, and marital status, among the rest.

-Removed duplicate values.
-Utilized nested IF statements to group the Age column into a seperate Age Bracket column.
-Created Pivot tables to aid in data visualization.
-Leveraged pivot tables into a dashboard and add slicers to filter visualizations.


Project Description
Media Store SQL Analysis -Curated a list of SQL queries analyzing invoices for a fictional media store. The database contained multiple tables containing information on customers, employees and products.

-Mainly focused on aggregate functions and joins to conduct analysis.
COVID-19 SQL Analysis -A list of SQL queries analyzing COVID deaths and vaccinations by country and by continent using aggregate functions. Also includes window functions, CTE's, Temp Tables, and Views.

-This data contained two tables one for deaths and one for vaccinations. CTE's, Temp Tables, and Views were also used.
MoMA SQL Analysis -A list of SQL queries analyzing the collection of Museum of Modern Arts in New York City using aggregate functions.

-This data contained two tables, one containing information on artworks including medium and classification and another containing information on artists such as nationality and number of works.
DataInMotion SQL Case Studies - Conducted product and sales analysis for a small retail store using PostgreSQL. The database was made up of four tables (customers, products, orders, order_items) and was queried to answer 10 questions using aggregate functions, JOINS, and CTE's.

- Conducted departmental analysis of a company as a Human Resource professional using PostgreSQL. The database was made up of 3 tables (employees, projects, departments) and was queried to answer 5 questions using aggregate functions, SELF JOIN, and Window Functions.
Danny Ma's 8-week SQL Challenge -These SQL case studies are free case studies designed by Danny Ma to help data analysts practice and hone their SQL skills by simulating real-world business problems and challenging participants to query for solutions.

-The case studies will be completed in PostgreSQL v13 and my solutions to each case study will be found here as I complete them.


Project Description Libraries Used App Link
app_1_MLB_eda -Scraped Baseball-Reference website for cumulative player stats for each season since 1998.

-Created an interactive app with Streamlit where users can select team and year and receive a downloadable dataframe and accompanying exploratory analysis.
Python, Pandas, NumPy, Requests, BeautifulSoup, Streamlit
app_2_wine_classifier -Looked to predict Vinho Verde brand wine quality and type based on multiple physicochemical factors.

-Built and tuned 4 classification models using the Sci-Kit Learn library for each target variable and created an app using Streamlit for potential customers.
Jupyter Lab, Python, Pandas, NumPy, Sci-Kit Learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Streamlit
app_3_insurance_regression -Aimed to predict medical insurance costs in the United States based on 6 factors using a simulated dataset based on U.S Census Data.

-Built and tuned 5 different linear models with grid searches using the Sci-Kit Learn library and subsequently built an app using Streamlit for getting a cost estimation.
Jupyter Lab, Python, Pandas, NumPy, Sci-Kit Learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Streamlit
app_4_Movie_RecSys -Built a movie recommendation system using a dataset containing 5000 films. The dataset is hosted on Kaggle and sourced from the TMDb API.

-Leveraged NLP techniques such as stemming and tokenization as well as cosine similarity to generate 5 recommendations based on a selected film.
Jupyter Lab, Python, Pandas, NumPy, Sci-Kit Learn, NLTK, Streamlit Click Repo For Instructions
Heart Disease Risk Detection -Aimed to predict likelihood of heart disease in patients based on a number of cardiovascular metrics.

-Built and tuned 4 different classification models using the sklearn library to achieve outcome.
Jupyter Lab, Python, Pandas, NumPy, Sci-Kit Learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly N/A
Telco Customer Churn -Analyzed customer churn data for a telephone and internet service company containing 20 different features.

-Built and tuned 5 different classification models using the sklearn library to predict likelihood of customer churn as well as which factors were causing it.
Jupyter Lab, Python, Pandas, NumPy, Sci-Kit Learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn N/A
Geocoding Places of Worship in NYS -Analyzed geographic data for all of the nearly 3,000 places of worship in New York state as of 2019.

-Manipulated dataset to gain further insight into which religions had the most locations.

-Leveraged the Bing Maps API to retrieve the latitude and longitude coordinates of each location and created visualizations using the Folium Python API to generate maps.
Jupyter Lab, Python, Pandas, NumPy, GeoPy, Folium, Matplotlib, Seaborn N/A


Project Description App Link
Northwind Traders Dashboard -This dashboard was submitted to Maven Analytics Northwind Challenge

-Built a top-level KPI dashboard for the executive team at Northwind Traders, a global shipping company that specializes in supplying high-quality gourmet food around the world.

-KPI's are split into 3 separate pages (Overview, Customer Breakdown, and Product Performance) providing a clean and effective viewing experience for stakeholders.
Ad Sales Dashboard -Created and deployed a dashboard tracking sales data for a marketing consultancy over a one year span.

-included total revenue, monthly revenue, best-performing consultants and teams as well as best selling ad-channels, etc.

-Deeper analysis is possible through created filters for month and sales team.
COVID-19 Vaccination Tracker -Created a dashboard tracking partial (1) and full (2) vaccinations around the world as of 1/26/2023.

-Added filters for continent, country, and date range.
-Utilized world map to visualize vaccinations per hundred for every country.

-Also visualized GDP per Capita and Vaccinations per Hundred
A.I Index Dashboard -Deployed a dashboard measuring the rapid rate of A.I advancement including research and development, investment, and A.I policy.

-Utilized bar charts to show total A.I investments by country and focus area of investments.

-Showed patent filings, total A.I publications, including publications by field.

-Visualized corporate adoption of A.I and a section on A.I policy which includes mentions in legislative proceedings and A.I related bills actually passed, broken down by country.


Project Description Tools Used Links
Plato's Pizzeria Sales Analysis -For this project, I took on the role of a data analyst for Plato's Pizzeria, a Greek-inspired pizza place in New Jersey.

-Plato's has been collecting transactional data for the past year, but really haven't been able to put it to good use.

-Tasked with analyzing the data and putting together a dashboard to help them find opportunities to drive more sales and work more efficiently.
SQL, Tableau Tableau


This repository contains all completed personal projects. The README file provides more information for each project.






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