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Christophe Savard edited this page Mar 24, 2014 · 5 revisions
  1. [Getting Started] (#getting-started)
    1. [Installation] (#installation)
    2. [ModuleManager Usage] (#modulemanager-usage)

Getting Started

Welcome to the RealChute Wiki. You'll find here the answers to your questions as well as some important information on the RealChute mod. If there are still grey areas or things you don't understand, please do not be afraid to come forth and contact me (stupid_chris) on the forums.


This will be a step by step explantion to installing RealChute. If you already know how to do this, just go ahead and skip this section.

First thing you'll want to do after downloading RealChute is, well, to unzip it. In there you should find two folders, one (or two) .txt files, as well as a .exe. You can give the ReadMe a short reading, but if you follow here you shouldn't need it at all.

First up, if you are upgrading RealChute from a version prior to 1.0 start by deleting the old RealChute folder in the KSP install's GameData folder. Then proceed to merge the GameData folder you will find there with the GameData folder of the install of KSP you want to add RealChute to. The following steps are now optional.

You will want to do the next step only if you never used RealChute on any of the saves of the KSP install you just added RealChute to. Go into the GameData folder of your game and open the RealChute folder. There should be a few more folders in there. The one you'll be interested in then is "Legacy Parts". This contains all the old RealChute parts, and is there to maintain compatibility with old versions. So if you have no in-flight vessels with old RealChute parts, and no craft files with old parts, you can go ahead and completely delete this folder. If not, I reccomend you go into your game and land all vessels containing old parts and change all craft files to use the new part and then proceed to delete this folder.

ModuleManager Usage

RealChute is compatible with other mods and stock parachutes through optional ModuleManager support. This also allows you to play using RealChute without using the RealChute parts.

To install the ModuleManager files, open up the unzipped RealChute folder and open the "ModuleManager files" folder, and merge the GameData folder included there with the one of your KSP install.

You can then go into the RealChute folder in the GameData folder of your KSP install and remove the "Parts" and the "Legacy Parts" folders from it if you do not wish to use the RealChute parts. You can also open the ModuleManager folder in there and delete the ModuleManager config files of mods you do not use to free up some memory if you want to (a few kb but still).

Using RealChute

RealChute is used just like stock parachutes would be used, by putting them on your craft

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