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A game where you bet the dice and roll to see if you win or lose

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Bet a dice

"Bet a dice" is a game for a quick bet. If you like numbers, dicegame and bets, this is a simple game to play.

You choose if you want to bet 10, 20 or 100 euro by click on the bill. The higher you bet, the more risk you take! After your bet, you choose numbers regarding your bet. If you bet 10 euro, you choose 3 numbers, for 50 euro you get 2 numbers and 100 euro you get 1 number.

After you have bet and clicked on numbers, you click to roll a dice. The dice will show you the result and if you have the number in your choises, you win the bet. Otherwise you lose.

The game is build with colours and animation to get it lively and fun.

The idea is taken from the betwheel at the fairground.




You start at homepage with instructions how to play and a playbutton to click. After click you go directed to the game.



On the top you have a button "Back to the menu" if you want to read the instructions again.

You start to bet from 3 different values and you can easily see your bet, since the other values dissapear after your choice.

When you have bet, you can see how many numbers you will click on and when you click they change colours, so you can see your choice. image

After, you click the dice to make it roll. The dice will roll with the animations and generate a number to compare if it is the same number you have choosen.


If you win, you should feel like the jumping man with the green dice that pops up and you get a result with the value you win.

And it´s harder feeling to lose, but make it a new try with the pulling man. After your play you can easily click the "play again" button to restart the game.

If you click, you get to the top to choose new numbers and don´t have to scroll back.
You get instruction through the game and you are not able to choose more choices than you are allowed to. You can still roll the dice without any choices, but nothing happens then more than a rolling dice.


A copyright of the game creator. image


I started to draw a skeleton in Balsamiq. My first thought was to build a 2048 - game board with number to merge into higher values and scores, but after a while I realised this wasn´t in this scoop and a little to complicated for PP2, so I restarted with this game and used the same idea for skeleton, but made some changes.
Old frame:



New frame:




I choosed a colourful font to get a happy feeling and border-radius so the buttons are not so "stiff" Background color for bigger screen is a grey background to lift the colourful text

When I tested the game on smaller screens as mobile and ipad, I saw the font won´t show the colours and it was too dark approach, so I changed the background colour and used the font Bungee instead of in max-width: 820px.





I have some contrast alert in Wave, but it depends of the font style, since I tried a lot of different backgrounds and it´s still the same number of alerts. the low contrast is because the font has a black shadow and it gets a low contrast to a darker background. I want to keep a dark background, since it is a high contrast between the font and background and thats works fine even I you don´t see the shadow that well.

I have also create an own Head icon to use in head


I made a handpointer when you click on numbers, dice and buttons.

Future Features to Implement

Counter how many rolls you need to reach a specific value (/or for ex. 24 points). A counter to add your bet (/or the dice number) for every times you win and count how many rolls you need to reach 24.

  • Best score On right hand side tha game will represent a best score list.


  • Balsamiq - Building the wireframes
  • HTML - Make the structur
  • CSS - for the styling of fonts, pictures and placment
  • Javasvript - for functions of the game
  • Pictures of values is taken from /
  • The winner and loservideo is pictures taking from here and edit by me to an animated 4 seconds video.
  • - For favicon to head
  • Gitpod - the codeplace i used
  • Github - to restore everything in a repository


The site was created from Gitpod and is continuing push to GitHub. Readme is written in Gitpod / Git Hub and I have pull and push between code space and repository. The codes I´ve been using is git pull / git add . / git commit -m"" / git push.

The site was deployed to GitHub pages. The way I manage that:

  • Navigate to my repository
  • From the setting tab (above the repository) click setting tab.
  • Select Pages in the left-hand menu
  • Section Build and deployment- source select Deploy from a branch
  • Select main in first area and root in second area
  • Save
  • You find the public site under GitHub pages if you go to Deployments on right-hand menu image


Through this project I have notised bugs that has been very instructive for me. The biggest issues I had was:

-The dots on the dice. It was hard to get them in possition and get them to stay inside the dice ;-) The resolution was to chenge the position od dots in css.

-To get the result if you won or lost by comparing the dice number with those number you have choosen. I got stock since a thought I had enough function for both above but I solved it to make one more function with InternalDiceroll.

  • Every time I loaded the sight I got error, even if the function worked. It was confusing, but I had 2 html and JS script was calling from first page and didn´t got answer since that page didn´t have content JS was calling.

  • The animation of dice was hard to get through, but the tutor lesson helped me out of that one.

  • My functions stopped working without a reason. I realised the idea to change name of the repository wasnt that good, since it got errors on links etc. I changed back to the first name and it start worked again. Pitty, I got 3 different github pages and 2 of them had error 404, since they are not current any more. image

It is resolved today!
  • Resposive problem I made different css styles for different @media screens and it ended up to show differents results in 2 different browsers, even if I had saved.I could see that the pushed changes wasn´t my last onces. I had to replace them over again. It was my last work before deployment. If there would be any responsive problem left, I didn´t have time to solve it before deadline.


I have done a lot of manual testing: image

HTML Validator

I have checked the HTML codes through


CSS Validator

I have checked css code through


JS Hint

I have checked JS codes through comments to the result of testing: dicecontainer - use for handle dice and dots betscore - to hide text.content rollDice- is a function






Responsive testing

I have tested the responsitive in 2 different websites: : image : image


I have some imported people around me to helped me out with PP2

  • Tutor Ernst from "Digitala lyftet", who has spent hours with me to explain and solved my problems.
  • My student fellow Josefin Yoshida-Dahlqvist, who always hold my hand and try to help me out.
  • CI Tutors
  • Alumn Jonathan Zakrisson, who gave me some feedback and tried to help me resolve problem as getting randomnumber and errors.

Source references

I have used sources to find information and for tutoring lessons through the project:

- Build the skeleton

- Pictures when you win or loose

- Tutoring/inspiration to create dice with dots with css

- show-dice-element-corresponding-to-random-number-generated-on-click Tutoring dots on dice

-ChatGPT To get codes explained in Swedish

- Troubleshout/explanation of written codes

- Tutoring scroll up the window -Tutor to reload the game


I have lot of different tutor references and spend a lot of time to create an animated dice with javascript instead of any picture of dice or number for an easy handling.
I build the game with a "step by step" functions with pop up information what to do next from> After feedback I continued with new functions in the game. I realised when I needed help from my alumn that my script had functions and loops which was build on top of the other and it was hard to understand, even if I had a lot of comments. Then I split the script in 2 and had one for dice and dots and another for the playfunctions.
I also went through my codes step by step to get better structure. I decided to use Javascript for the most of content, since this belongs to this project. It has been a "back and forth" project and run out of time in the end, so I have concentrated on functions without errors and understand Javascript.
Since this is a quick game I started with styling for smaller devices and it has an opportunity to get nicer styles, preferably a little more styling for bigger devices, since my time ran out.
The commits are a bit messy and uninformative and I am practise to get a flow and clear information whats in it. Since I made a lot of small changes, as space between rows, font size etc. I had to commit to see the result and it got back and forth.


A game where you bet the dice and roll to see if you win or lose







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