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An easier way to access an OPC-UA Server. This acts as an Add-On for the standard OPC-UA Library, not a completely new one.


  • Add a reference to
    • Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
    • Newtonsoft.Json.dll
    • Opc.Ua.Client.dll
    • Opc.Ua.Configuration.dll
    • Opc.Ua.Core.dll
    • Opc.Ua.Security.Certificates.dll
    • System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
    • System.Formats.Asn1.dll
    • System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
    • System.Security.Cryptography.Cng.dll
    • OPC-UA_Client.dll
  • If you have the OPC-UA standard lib installed, you just need to reference the last dll
  • Add a using directive: using Opc.Ua.CustomClient;

Library Content


  • Client(string serverEndpoint): Creates a Client Instance that automatically connects itself to the specified OPC-UA Server.
  • ServerObject GetObjectByName(string name): Gets a ServerObject by its Name.
  • ServerObject GetObjectByNodeId(string nodeId): Gets a ServerObject by its Node Id.
  • ServerObject[] GetObjects(): Gets all ServerObjects.
  • ServerObject[] GetObjects(int typeIdFilter): Gets all ServerObjects that have the specified Type Id.
  • Session GetSession(): Gets the current OPC-UA Session for accessing the Client with the standard OPC-UA Library.
  • bool IsConnected(): Returns true if the Client is currently connected to the OPC-UA Server.
  • bool NameExists(string name): Returns true if an Object with the specified Name exists.
  • bool NodeIdExists(string nodeId): Returns true if an Object with the specified Node Id exists.
  • bool NameExistsInObject(string name, ServerObject obj): Returns true if an Object with the specified Name exists in the ServerObject.
  • bool NodeIdExistsInObject(string nodeId, ServerObject obj): Returns true if an Object with the specified Node Id exists in the ServerObject.
  • void Refresh(): Refreshes the Connection to the OPC-UA Server. This should be used after creating new Objects with the Client.
  • void RefreshObjects(): Refreshes the Objects in the Client without refreshing the Connection.
  • void RefreshChildObjects(ServerObject obj): Refreshes the Child Objects of the specified Object.


  • ReferenceDescription GetHandle(): Gets the ReferenceDescription of the Object to access it with the standard OPC-UA Library.
  • int GetTypeId(): Gets the Type of the Object as an Integer. The Type Ids can be found in the Model.csv File of the OPC-UA Server.
  • ServerObject GetParent(): Gets the Parent Object that contains the current one.
  • string GetNodeId(): Gets the Node Id of the current Object.
  • MethodDescription Method(string name): Gets the MethodDescription of the Method with the specified Name to call it.
  • VariableDescription Variable(string name): Gets the VariableDescription of the Variable with the specified Name to get or set its value.


  • MethodDescription(ReferenceDescription desc, ServerObject parent, Session session): Converts a ReferenceDescription to a MethodDescription.
  • IList<object> Call(params object[] args): Calls the Method with the specified Arguments and returns one or multiple return Values.


  • VariableDescription(ReferenceDescription desc, Session session): Converts a ReferenceDescription to a VariableDescription.
  • T Get<T>(): Gets the Value of the Variable with the specified Type.
  • void Set<T>(T value): Sets the Value of the Variable with the specified Type.


//Create a client which connects to the given server address
Client cli = new Client("opc.tcp://localhost:1337/");
//Get all objects of a specific type
ServerObject[] objects = cli.GetObjects(69);
//Check if a name exists
bool nameExists = cli.NameExists("myObject1");
//Check if a node id exists
bool nodeExists = cli.NodeIdExists("myNodeId1");
//Get an object by its name
ServerObject myObject1 = cli.GetObjectByName("myObject1");
//Call a method by its name in the object
IList<object> returnValue = myObject1.Method("CreateChildObject").Call("myObject2", 420u);
//Refresh the client's data to display the new object
//Get an object by its node id
ServerObject myObject2 = cli.GetObjectByNodeId("myObject1-myObject2");
//Get a variable from an object by its name
VariableDescription id = myObject2.Variable("ObjectId");
//Get the value of the variable
uint oldValue = id.Get<uint>();
//Set the value of the variable
//Get the updated value of the variable
uint newValue = id.Get<uint>();


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