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Some of the stages and commands I've been using. Not complete. Lots of information can be found in

Mapping with Tophat

Get genome fasta and gff from or similar, and turn gff into gtf with `gffread file.gff -T -o file.gtf`. Or get gtf straight away, that'd work too.
/home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/localbin/tophat2 -p 32 -G /home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/working/RNA-seq/working/genes.gtf -o ES20_THout /home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/working/RNA-seq/working/genome fastqs/ES20_R1.fastq fastqs/ES20_R2.fastq

Transcriptome analysis cufflinks

/home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/localbin/cufflinks -g /home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/working/RNA-seq/working/genes.gtf -b /home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/working/RNA-seq/working/genome.fa -p 32 -o /home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/working/RNA-seq/working/CL-annot/ES8_CLout /home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/working/RNA-seq/working/TH/ES8_THout/accepted_hits_ES8.bam

Create reference gtf

cuffcompare -s genome.fa -CG -R -V -r genes.gtf CL-annot/ES5_CLout-Gtest/ES5_CLout-Gtest-transcripts.gtf CL-annot/ES2_CLout-Gtest/ES2_CLout-Gtest-transcripts.gtf CL-annot/ES6_CLout-Gtest/ES6_CLout-Gtest-transcripts.gtf CL-annot/ES3_CLout-Gtest/ES3_CLout-Gtest-transcripts.gtf CL-annot/ES7_CLout-Gtest/ES7_CLout-Gtest-transcripts.gtf CL-annot/ES1_CLout-Gtest/ES1_CLout-Gtest-transcripts.gtf CL-annot/ES4_CLout-Gtest/ES4_CLout-Gtest-transcripts.gtf CL-annot/ES8_CLout-Gtest/ES8_CLout-Gtest-transcripts.gtf

# Put gene_name as gene_id instead of "XLOC_1234567"

TSS isoform selection (aka pulling mapped primary isoform start sites)

#Pull out transcripts only, ignore individual exons | Remove unexpressed lines | extract only primary isoform (having both would be useful in some cases)
for i in AGM*/transcripts.gtf;
awk '{if ($3 ~/transcript/) {print $0;} }' $i | grep -v 'FPKM "0.0' | awk '{if ($6 ~ /1000/) {print $0;} }' >$i-primary.gtf;

# Grab basic list of genes
for i in AGM*/*primary.gtf;
cut -f2 -d ';' AGM16/transcripts.gtf-primary.gtf | sed 's/ transcript_id "\(.*\)"/\1/' | grep 'AT' >$i-isoform_list.txt;

# Identify common isoforms between comparative samples
for i in AG*; do rename "s/tran/$i-tran/" $i/tra*; done

Annotating novel genome with RNAseq data

#Map to genome without reference gtf
tophat2 -p 32 -o AGM1_THout REFS/Ler0_FJ fastqs/AGM1_R1.fastq fastqs/AGM1_R2.fastq

# Assemble mapped reads
cufflinks -p 16 -o cufflinks/AGM19 AGM19_acc.bam

# Merge replicates
cuffmerge -s REFS/Ler0_FJ.fa -o WT_cuffmerge -p 8 WT_assembly_list.txt
cuffmerge -s REFS/Ler0_FJ.fa -o g_cuffmerge -p 8 g_assembly_list.txt

#Compare between treatments and make one final GTF
cuffcompare -o WT_vs_g_cuffcompare -s REFS/Ler0_FJ.fa WT_cuffmerge/merged.gtf g_cuffmerge/merged.gtf

# Extract fasta sequence for annotation
gffread WT_vs_g54_cuffcompare.combined.gtf -g ~/axon_scratch/REFS/Ler0_FJ.fa -w WT_vs_g54_cuffcompare.combined.fasta -i 450

# Annotate fasta
blastn -query WT_vs_g54_cuffcompare.combined.fasta -db ~/db/nt-nuc -max_target_seqs 1 -outfmt 6 -evalue 1e-5 -num_threads 16 -out WT_vs_g54_cuffcompare.combined.blastn

Make Coverage Chart for Genome Browser

for i in *bam; do bamToBed -i $i > $i.bed; done
for i in *bam.bed; do genomeCoverageBed -i $i -bg -g ~/Projects/DansProcessingPipeline/scripts/core_scripts/Atha_chr_sizes.txt > $i.cov; done
for i in *cov; do bedGraphToBigWig $i ~/Projects/DansProcessingPipeline/scripts/core_scripts/Atha_chr_sizes.txt $i.bigwig; done

# Or cat and sort Bed files together to make one representative trace, then make bigwig
cat ES1.bam.bed ES3.bam.bed ES5.bam.bed ES7.bam.bed | sort -k1,1 -k2,2 >ES-All_light.bed

Differential expression analysis with HTseq and EdgeR

HTSeq, repeat for each sample

htseq-count -f 'bam' -s no -a 10 /home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/working/RNA-seq/working/ARA11/tophat/ES1_THout/accepted_hits.bam /home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/working/RNA-seq/Ath_ref_files/ARA11/Araport11_genes.20150701.gtf > /home/GROUP-smbpk/sbi6dap/working/RNA-seq/working/ARA11/HTSeq_out/ES1.count

# Make single table in bash rather than touching R
cut -f1 tri1.count > all_tri.count
for i in tri*count
  paste all_tri.count <(cut -f2 $i) > tmp.txt
  mv tmp.txt all_tri.count


# Pre-calculate length with gtf2lengthGC.r
LengthGC <- read.table("../REFS/GC_lengths.tsv", header=TRUE)

samples <- read.table("tmp_samples.txt", header=TRUE)

counts = data.frame(readDGE(samples$countfile)$counts)
noint = rownames(counts) %in% c("no_feature","ambiguous","too_low_aQual","not_aligned","alignment_not_unique")
cpms = cpm(counts)
rpkm <- rpkm(counts, LengthGC$Length)
rpkm.colsums <- colSums(rpkm)
TPM <- sweep(rpkm, 2, rpkm.colsums, `/`)
TPM <- apply(TPM, 2, function(x) (x * 10^6 ))

# Filter out <1 counts per million                                  ############################
keep = rowSums(TPM >10) >=2 & !noint  # 2 for smallest rep group    #### Hash to not filter ####
exp.matrix = TPM[keep,]                                             ############################
keep = rowSums(rpkm >1) >=2 & !noint  # 2 for smallest rep group
exp.matrix = rpkm[keep,]
keep = rowSums(cpms >1) >=2 & !noint  # 2 for smallest rep group
exp.matrix = counts[keep,]
# OR dont filter anything

colnames(exp.matrix) = samples$origID
head(exp.matrix[,order(samples$condition)], 5)

d = DGEList(counts=exp.matrix, group=samples$condition2)        # Test by condition
d = calcNormFactors(d)

par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 9.1), xpd=TRUE)
plotMDS(d, labels=samples$shortname, col=c("yellow", "red", "blue", "green", "darkgreen")[factor(samples$condition)])
legend("right", inset=c(-0.25,0), c("Ctrl-untreated", "Ctrl-Scrambled", "miR5p", "221", "222"), fill=c("darkgreen", "green", "yellow", "red", "blue"))
title(main="MDS plot of sample relationships (paired)")

d = estimateCommonDisp(d)
d = estimateTagwiseDisp(d)

plotMeanVar(d, show.tagwise.vars=TRUE, NBline=TRUE)
title(main="Per-gene Mean-Variance relationship")
title(main="biological coefficient of variation versus TPM")

# Test by repeat number (for QC because of group 3 batching)
e = DGEList(counts=counts, group=samples$"repeat")
e = calcNormFactors(e)
e = estimateCommonDisp(e)
e = estimateTagwiseDisp(e)

# Comparisons #
gene.names <- read.table("geneIDs-name-type.txt", header=TRUE)

de1 = exactTest(d, pair=c("Untreated", "Neg-ctrl"))        ## AKA Fischers exact test
de2 = exactTest(d, pair=c("Neg-ctrl", "miR5p"))        ## AKA Fischers exact test

pdf( "smearplots.pdf" , width = 10 , height = 7 )

tt = topTags(de1a, n=nrow(d))
nc = cpm(d, normalized.lib.sizes=TRUE)
rn = rownames(tt$table)
deg = rn[tt$table$FDR < .05]
plotSmear(d, de.tags=deg)
tt$table$ID <- row.names(tt$table)
tmp.merge <- merge(tt$table, gene.names, by="ID", all.x = TRUE)
de1.sort <- tmp.merge[with(tmp.merge, order(FDR)),]
write.csv(de1.sort, file="toptags_edgeR-untreated_vs_neg.csv", row.names = FALSE)