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Dr. Simon Antony Roberts edited this page Feb 24, 2018 · 3 revisions

Fonts Repository Services (Rest API) -- Chronolabs Cooperative

by. Dr. Simon Antony Roberts

The font repository services rest API, is an API that support all known formats of fonts, as well as the ones required for TCPDF it will take an input of the following formats of fonts: *.afm *.bdf *.bin *.cef *.cff *.cid *.dfont *.eot *.fnt *.fon *.gai *.gsf *.hqx *.ik *.mf *.otb *.otf *.pcf *.pdb *.pf3 *.pfa *.pfb *.pmf *.pt3 *.sfd *.svg *.t42 *.ttc *.ttf *.ufo *.woff which can be compressed in any number of levels of the following archives: *.7z *.ar *.bz2 *.gz *.lz *.lzma *.rar *.rar5 *.tar *.tar.7z *.tar.Z *.tar.bz2 *.tar.gz *.tar.lz *.tar.lzma *.tar.lzo *.tar.xz *.tgz *.zip *.zoo *.zx!

A Screencapture of the runtime help is as follows:
