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Secrets of Dungeonascension

Chuma edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 1 revision

Hello! this is Chuma, as i've done with one of my previous maps, i've decided to make a small wiki, since this map has some "Super secrets", those that are not counted unless found, based in the quake speedrunning community rules, it only matters that the secret counter gets to 100%, so the first secrets that will be covered are the ones that count for the secret count

Canon secrets or "countable secrets"

Secret 1


in the beginning section, when you get to the button, there's a slight different textured wall, shoot it.


The secret is the SNG (you may get it without getting the weapon but why would you?)

Secret 2

In the main core corridor, there's a basement, go beyond the boxes.


Secret 3

In the sewers path (Silver key) you just find this pool (small alternate path, below a floor you're supposed to go), there's a yellow armor, you gotta swim.


Secret 4

In the terrace path, a bit before the tunnel and in the "blue room" this secret door has a Quad (sorry if you can't see it, it's intended to be dark and edgy)


Secret 5

In the terrace, almost before going to the portal you can see that a red armor is teased for you, no secret shootable door, just go along the illusionary wall (beware of falling down)


Secret 6 (the complex one, prelude)

Along the map you will find our buddy Dopefish since he helped us back in dungeoncrawl, so basically you will find these buttons and shoot them! (they are 3) (REMEMBER: you will have opportunity to find em along in the map just don't go through the "no way back portal" or your chance is lost in the playthrough)

Dopebutton 1


First one is on the basement, along with the first secret, when going "beyond the boxes" look left and shoot

Dopebutton 2

(this is the one i always miss)


Basically in the sewers look up in the sky and in the borders of the big window then shoot it.

Dopebutton 3


In the lava section (pre-terrace), make sure to clear the whole area, i always use a rocket but it's pretty reachable, shoot in the area of the trapdoor.

Secret 6 unlocked

Basically this door will be opened and there ya go, Dopefish and Thor helped you!


Non-canon or Super secrets

Dungeoncrawl/escape/speed had some sense of humor toward it, and i decided to keep it for this map, while making something playable... these secrets based in copper 1.30 are secrets that only count to the secret count if you find them, for speedrunning purposes these may not be "needed" for 100% secrets... per se as part of the "joke" or humor i added them, regardless i'll help you find em!

Supersecret 1

Rocketjump in the arc before the portal to the terrace... there's a megahealth.


Supersecret 2

This really fits the "joke" secret but well thinking the player may not have found the SNG secret basically you can find it here, ALTHO this is a complex one and i managed to pull it twice... from the megahealth go to the SNG.


Supersecret 3

I think this one can be overlooked (again part of the "humor" of the map, after getting the LG, you can go back for a moment on the platform o the main hall / core hall, there's an invisibility ring.


There may be some other stuff i decided to cover just the secrets, hope this helps!

PD: i know secret count didn't go much when i was showing this, no i ain't messing with you.