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============== Part 1: Readme description for Matlab codes =============================

This is the Readme Description for Producing Figure 2 (left Panel and Right Panel) and Figure 1 (Left Panel) of the paper titled "A Computational Perspective on Projection Pursuit in High Dimensions: Feasible or Infeasible Feature Extraction" by Chunming Zhang, Jimin Ye, and Xiaomei Wang (2023, International Statistical Review, Volume 91, Issue 1, 140–161, available at

Inputs such as sample size $n$, data dimension $p$, and types of data distribution, used in the codes for other figures can be adjusted manually in a similar way.

All Matlab codes are located in the same directory.

There are two methods to implement the code:

Method 1: (1) Main matlab code: "BKN_Theorems_1_2i.m" (attached in Part 2).

(2) This main code calls other Mtlab functions (attached in Part 2) listed below:

CDF_mixture_Gaussians_D_dim_func.m mean_cov_mixture_Gaussians_D_dim.m
EDF_D_dim_func.m mixture_Gaussians_D_dim_generator.m
KS_stat_1_sample.m pdf_mixture_Gaussians_D_dim_func.m
Least_squares_min_w_quad_equa_constraint.m z_vector_exist_dep_on_X_G.m
X_matrix_sim.m z_vector_unit_Euclidean_norm.m

Method 2: Directly run the source code "demo_code.m" available on GitHub at

============== Part 2: Scripts for Matlab codes =============================

%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 1 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

% % Name : BKN_Theorems_1_2i.m % Function: Simulation of projection persuit in BKN (2018) with p >> n, % for Theorem 1, and Theorem 2(i). %--------------------------------------------------------------------------

clear; close all;

rng(12314357, 'twister');

%=============== Illustrate Theorem 1, Theorem 2(i) ======================= choice_G = 1; % mixture Gaussian choice_CDF_in_target = 'G'; % target CDF = G

if choice_G == 1 % mixture Gaussian num_obs = 100; dim_p = 1000; end gamma = dim_p / num_obs;

num_sim = 100; % # of Monte-Carlo runs, for boxplots of |\hat G_z - G^*|_\infty

num_grids = 100; % # of grid points;

num_bins = 10; % # of bins in the empirical pdf estimator

choice_F = 0; if choice_F == 0 A = 0; B = 1; mu_F = A; mu_F_centered = 0; % elseif choice_F == 1 % A = -3; B = 3; mu_F = (A+B)/2; mu_F_centered = 0; % elseif choice_F == 2 % A = 1; B = 2; mu_F = A/(A+B); mu_F_centered = 0; end

choice_a_vector = 1; if choice_a_vector == 1; num_samplings = 10000; end

%========================================================================== if choice_G == 1 % mixture Gaussian prop_vector = [1/2; 1/2];

mu = 2; sigma = 1/2;
mu_matrix = [-mu  +mu]; sigma_matrix = [sigma  sigma];

if strcmp(choice_CDF_in_target, 'G') == 1
    pdf_1D_in_target = @(x) pdf_mixture_Gaussians_D_dim_func...
        (prop_vector, mu_matrix, sigma_matrix, x); % pdf of target CDF = G

    CDF_1D_in_target = @(x) CDF_mixture_Gaussians_D_dim_func...
        (prop_vector, mu_matrix, sigma_matrix, x); % CDF of target CDF = G

[mu_G_vector, cov_G_matrix] = mean_cov_mixture_Gaussians_D_dim...
    (prop_vector, mu_matrix, sigma_matrix);
disp(' mu_G_vector, cov_G_matrix are: ')
disp( [mu_G_vector, cov_G_matrix] )

mu_2_G = cov_G_matrix + mu_G_vector^2;

disp('===== For Theorem 1 =====');
disp([' gamma = p/n = ', num2str(gamma), ...
    ', mu_2(G) = ', num2str(mu_2_G)])

disp('===== For Theorem 2(i) =====');
if gamma > 1 && mu_2_G < gamma - 1
    disp('gamma > 1 and mu_2(G) < gamma - 1; satisfies condition in Theorem 2(i)')
    disp('gamma <= 1 or mu_2(G) >= gamma - 1; violates condition in Theorem 2(i). Stop!')


D_n_exist = zeros(num_sim, 1); D_n_dep_2 = zeros(num_sim, 1); D_n_indep_3 = zeros(num_sim, 1); D_n_crt = zeros(num_sim, 1); tic for sim = 1:num_sim disp([' sim = ', num2str(sim)]) %--------------------- generate data matrix --------------------------- [X_matrix] = X_matrix_sim(choice_F, dim_p, num_obs, mu_F, A, B); % dim_p * num_obs matrix

%--------------- get a_vector_G from G --------------------------------

if choice_G == 1
    if     choice_a_vector == 1
        samples_G = mixture_Gaussians_D_dim_generator...
            (prop_vector, mu_matrix, sigma_matrix, num_samplings);
        % 1* num_samplings, vector, random samples from G

        a_vector_G = prctile(samples_G, 100*(1:num_obs)'/(num_obs+1));
        % n*1, vector, sample quantiles of G

%--------------- a data-dependent direction ---------------------------
if sim == 1;  opt_display = 1;  else;  opt_display = 0;  end
[z_vector_data_exist] = z_vector_exist_dep_on_X_G...
    (X_matrix, a_vector_G, opt_display);

%--------------- another data-dependent direction ---------------------

z_vector_data_dep_2 = z_vector_unit_Euclidean_norm...
    ( mean(X_matrix(:, (1:num_obs)), 2) );
% p*1 vector, on the unit sphere

%-------------- a data-independent direction --------------------------

z_vector_data_indep_3 = z_vector_unit_Euclidean_norm...
    ( normrnd(0, 1, dim_p, 1) );
% p*1 vector, uniformly distributed on the unit sphere

%--------------- a data-dependent critical direction ------------------
%z_vector_crt = zeros(dim_p, 1);

method_LS_m_w_q_q_c = 1; % for SVD method in Golub & Van Loan (2013)
if     method_LS_m_w_q_q_c == 1
    z_vector_initial = [];
    num_randsearch_crt = [];
[z_vector_crt, ~] = ...
    (X_matrix', a_vector_G, 1, method_LS_m_w_q_q_c);
% p*1 vector, on the unit sphere

%------------------ vector S ------------------------------------------

S_vector_exist   = (z_vector_data_exist'   * X_matrix)';
S_vector_dep_2   = (z_vector_data_dep_2'   * X_matrix)';
S_vector_indep_3 = (z_vector_data_indep_3' * X_matrix)';
S_vector_crt     = (z_vector_crt'          * X_matrix)';
% (S_1,...,S_n)', n*1 vector

%========== Part 1: plots of pdf and CDF via 1 simulated data =========
if sim == 1
    %--------------- 1D plot -----------------------------------------
    x_grid = linspace(-4, 4, num_grids)';

    pdf_1D_in_target_grid = zeros(num_grids, 1);
    CDF_1D_in_target_grid = zeros(num_grids, 1);
    EDF_grid_data_exist   = zeros(num_grids, 1);
    EDF_grid_data_dep_2   = zeros(num_grids, 1);
    EDF_grid_data_indep_3 = zeros(num_grids, 1);
    EDF_grid_crt          = zeros(num_grids, 1);
    for g = 1:num_grids
        pdf_1D_in_target_grid(g) = pdf_1D_in_target(x_grid(g));
        CDF_1D_in_target_grid(g) = CDF_1D_in_target(x_grid(g));
        EDF_grid_data_exist(g)   = EDF_D_dim_func(...
            S_vector_exist,   x_grid(g));
        EDF_grid_data_dep_2(g)   = EDF_D_dim_func(...
            S_vector_dep_2,   x_grid(g));
        EDF_grid_data_indep_3(g) = EDF_D_dim_func(...
            S_vector_indep_3, x_grid(g));
        EDF_grid_crt(g)          = EDF_D_dim_func(...
            S_vector_crt,     x_grid(g));

    [x_data_exist,   Epdf_data_exist] = ...
        est_pdf_from_histogram(S_vector_exist,   num_bins);
    [x_data_dep_2,   Epdf_data_dep_2] = ...
        est_pdf_from_histogram(S_vector_dep_2,   num_bins);
    [x_data_indep_3, Epdf_data_indep_3] = ...
        est_pdf_from_histogram(S_vector_indep_3, num_bins);
    [x_data_crt,     Epdf_crt] = ...
        est_pdf_from_histogram(S_vector_crt,     num_bins);

    %----------------------- compare pdfs ---------
    h_1 = figure(1);
    plot(x_grid,         pdf_1D_in_target_grid, 'k-');
    hold on;
    plot(x_data_exist,   Epdf_data_exist,   'b:', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
    plot(x_data_dep_2,   Epdf_data_dep_2,   'r--', 'LineWidth', 1.0);
    plot(x_data_indep_3, Epdf_data_indep_3, 'magenta-.');
    plot(x_data_crt,     Epdf_crt,          'cyan-o', 'LineWidth', 0.8);

    x_min_max = xlim; % get the x-axis limits for the current axes.

    xlabel('{\boldmath{$s$}}', 'interpreter', 'latex');
    ylabel('{\textbf{compare pdf}}', 'interpreter', 'latex');
    title(['{\boldmath$n = ', num2str(num_obs), ...
        ',  p = ', num2str(dim_p), '$}'], 'interpreter', 'latex')

    figure_name_1 = ['BKN_Theorems_1_2i',...
        '_Epdf_B=', num2str(num_bins), ...
    print(h_1, '-depsc', [figure_name_1, '.eps']);

    %----------------------- compare KDEs ---------
    [KDE_data_exist,  x_data_exist_KDE] = ksdensity(S_vector_exist);

    h_5 = figure(5);
    plot(x_grid,           pdf_1D_in_target_grid, 'k-');
    hold on;
    plot(x_data_exist,     Epdf_data_exist,  'b:', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
    plot(x_data_exist_KDE, KDE_data_exist,   'r--'); hold on;

    xlabel('{\boldmath{$s$}}', 'interpreter', 'latex');
    ylabel('{\textbf{compare pdf}}', 'interpreter', 'latex');
    title(['{\boldmath$n = ', num2str(num_obs), ...
        ',  p = ', num2str(dim_p), '$}'], 'interpreter', 'latex')

        min([x_min_max(1), x_data_exist_KDE]) ...
        max([x_min_max(2), x_data_exist_KDE])]);
    % set the x-axis limits for the current axes.

    figure_name_5 = ['BKN_Theorems_1_2i',...
        '_KDE_Epdf_B=', num2str(num_bins), ...
    print(h_5, '-depsc', [figure_name_5, '.eps']);

    disp([ ...
        mean(S_vector_exist)   mean(S_vector_dep_2)  ...
        mean(S_vector_indep_3) mean(S_vector_crt)])
end % if sim == 1

%-------------------- KS statistics ---------------------------------

vector_G_S_exist   = zeros(num_obs, 1); % (G(S_1),...,G(S_n))', n*1 vector
vector_G_S_dep_2   = zeros(num_obs, 1); % (G(S_1),...,G(S_n))', n*1 vector
vector_G_S_indep_3 = zeros(num_obs, 1); % (G(S_1),...,G(S_n))', n*1 vector
vector_G_S_crt     = zeros(num_obs, 1); % (G(S_1),...,G(S_n))', n*1 vector
if     choice_G == 1 % 1-dim Gaussian mixture  of 2-components
    for i = 1:num_obs
        vector_G_S_exist(i)   = CDF_1D_in_target(S_vector_exist(i));
        vector_G_S_dep_2(i)   = CDF_1D_in_target(S_vector_dep_2(i));
        vector_G_S_indep_3(i) = CDF_1D_in_target(S_vector_indep_3(i));
        vector_G_S_crt(i)     = CDF_1D_in_target(S_vector_crt(i));

D_n_exist(sim)   = KS_stat_1_sample(S_vector_exist,   vector_G_S_exist);
D_n_dep_2(sim)   = KS_stat_1_sample(S_vector_dep_2,   vector_G_S_dep_2);
D_n_indep_3(sim) = KS_stat_1_sample(S_vector_indep_3, vector_G_S_indep_3);
D_n_crt(sim)     = KS_stat_1_sample(S_vector_crt,     vector_G_S_crt);

end disp('') disp('======== Part 2: compare box plots of KS-statistics ======') disp([mean(D_n_exist) mean(D_n_dep_2) mean(D_n_indep_3) ... mean(D_n_crt)])


h_3 = figure(3); %----- compare box plots of KS-statistics ------ subplot(2,2,1) boxplot([D_n_exist, D_n_dep_2, D_n_indep_3, D_n_crt]) set(gca, 'XTickLabel', {'z_1 (exist)', 'z_2', 'z_3', 'z_crt'}, ... 'XTickLabelRotation',0);

ylabel(['\textbf{compare} ', ... '{\boldmath{$|\widehat{G}{z}-G|{\infty}$}}'], 'interpreter', 'latex') title(['{\boldmath$n = ', num2str(num_obs), ... ', p = ', num2str(dim_p), '$}'], 'interpreter', 'latex');

max_D_n = max([max(D_n_exist), max(D_n_dep_2), max(D_n_indep_3), ... max(D_n_crt)]); ylim([ 0-0.025 min((max(0.55, max_D_n) + 0.05), 1) ])

figure_name_3 = ['BKN_Theorems_1_2i',... '_G=',num2str(choice_G),'_F=',num2str(choice_F),... '_a=',num2str(choice_a_vector),... '_KS',... '_sims=',num2str(num_sim), ... '_n=',num2str(num_obs),'_p=',num2str(dim_p)]; print(h_3, '-depsc', [figure_name_3, '.eps']);

%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 2 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function CDF_val = CDF_mixture_Gaussians_D_dim_func... (prop_vector, mu_matrix, sigma_matrix, x_vector)

%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Function: compute the CDF of a D-dim Gaussian mixture of K-components %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % prop_vector : = (p_1,...,p_K)': K1 vector % mu_matrix : = (mu_1_vector,...,mu_K_vector), DK matrix, % where mu_1_vector = (mu_11,...,mu_D1)',... % sigma_matrix: = (sigma_1_vector,...,sigma_K_vector): DK matrix % x_vector : D1 vector, (x_1,...,x_D)' %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % CDF_val: scalar %-------------------------------------------------------------------------

[D, K] = size(mu_matrix);

F_vector = zeros(K, 1); % F(1),...F(K) Phi_vector = zeros(D, 1); % Phi(1),...Phi(D) for k = 1:K for d = 1:D x_d = x_vector(d); mu_d_k = mu_matrix(d, k); sigma_d_k = sigma_matrix(d, k);

    Phi_vector(d) = normcdf( (x_d-mu_d_k)/sigma_d_k, 0, 1 );

F_vector(k) = prod(Phi_vector);


CDF_val = sum(prop_vector .* F_vector); % scalar


%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 3 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function L_vector = discrete_label_generator(prop_vector, num_obs)

% Function: generate n iid label random variables, with the p.m.f. % 1 2 ... K % p_1 p_2 ... p_K, with p_1 + p_2 + ... + p_K = 1 %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % prop_vector: = (p_1,...,p_K)': K1 vector % num_obs : n %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % L_vector: = (X_1,...,X_n)', n1 vector %-------------------------------------------------------------------------

K = length(prop_vector); prop_add_vector = [0; prop_vector]; % (K+1)*1 vector

U_vector = unifrnd(0, 1, num_obs, 1); % n*1 vector

L_vector = zeros(num_obs, 1); for i = 1:num_obs for k = 1:K F_k_minus_1 = sum(prop_add_vector(1: (k))); F_k = F_k_minus_1 + prop_add_vector(k+1);

    if F_k_minus_1 < U_vector(i) && U_vector(i) <= F_k
        L_vector(i) = k;

end end

%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 4 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function EDF_func = EDF_D_dim_func(X_matrix, x_vector)

%------------------------------------------------------------------- % Function: compute the EDF of n random vectors in X_matrix %------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % X_matrix: Dn matrix, (X(:,1),...,X(:,n)) % x_vector: D1 vector, (x_1,...,x_D)' %------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % EDF_func: scalar %------------------------------------------------------

[~, num_obs] = size(X_matrix);

vector_ind = zeros(num_obs, 1); % n*1, vector for i = 1:num_obs vector_ind(i) = prod(X_matrix(:,i) <= x_vector); % 0 or 1 end

EDF_func = mean( vector_ind ); % scalar end

%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 5 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function [bin_centers_vector, hat_f_vector] = ... est_pdf_from_histogram(X_vector, num_bins)

%------------------------------------------------------------------- % Function: density estimates from Histogram counts of X_vector %------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % X_vector: n1 vector % num_bins: B, scalar %------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % bin_centers_vector: 1B vector % hat_f_vector: 1*B vector %-------------------------------------------------------------------

num_obs = length(X_vector); % n

[bin_counts_vector, bin_edges_vector] = histcounts(X_vector, num_bins); bin_centers_vector = ... ( bin_edges_vector(2:end) + bin_edges_vector(1:(end-1)))/2; % (n_1,...,n_B); (c_1,...,c_B)

rel_freq_vector = bin_counts_vector'/num_obs; % (f_1,...,f_B) = (n_1,...,n_B)/n

hat_f_vector = rel_freq_vector/(bin_centers_vector(2)-bin_centers_vector(1)); % (\hat f(c_1),..., \hat f(c_B)) end

%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 6 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function [D_n] = KS_stat_1_sample(vector_X, vector_G_X)

%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Funcution: compute Kolmogorov-Smirnov one-sample goodness-of-fit statistics, % D_n = sup_{x \in R^1} |EDF(x)-G(x)|, where % EDF(x) is the E.D.F. of (X_1,...,X_n), and $G$ is a specified CDF. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % vector_X : n1 vector, (X_1,...,X_n)' % vector_G_X: n1 vector, (G(X_1),..., G(X_n))' %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % D_n: scalar %--------------------------------------------------------------------------

n_obs = length(vector_X);

vector_ordered_G_X = sort(vector_G_X, 'ascend'); % sorted data, G(X_{(1)}) <= ... <= G(X_{(n)})

D_n_plus = max( (1:n_obs)'/n_obs - vector_ordered_G_X ); D_n_minus = max( vector_ordered_G_X - ((1:n_obs)-1)'/n_obs ); D_n = max( [D_n_plus, D_n_minus, 0] );


%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 7 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function [x_vector_opt, hat_lambda] = ... Least_squares_min_w_quad_equa_constraint... (A_matrix, b_vector, a_circle, method)

%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Function: compute % x_{opt} %=\arg\min_{x_vector: |x_vector|_2 = a_circle} |x_vector' A_matrix'-b_vector'|2 %=\arg\min{x_vector: |x_vector|_2 = a_circle} |A_matrix x_vector-b_vector %|_2. % Called: hat_x_vector_lambda.m, function_of_lambda.m %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % A_matrix: matrix, np % b_vector: vector, n1 % a_circle: >0, scalar constraint in |x_vector|_2 = a_circle, e.g., a_circle = 1 % method: 1 for SVD method in Golub & Van Loan (2013); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % x_vector_opt: vector, p*1, on the unit sphere % hat_lambda : Lagrange multiplier for method = 1; [] for method = 2 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------

hat_lambda = [];

if method == 1 % for SVD method in Golub & Van Loan (2013) %svd Singular value decomposition. %[U,S,V] = svd(X) produces a diagonal matrix S, of the same %dimension as X and with nonnegative diagonal elements in %decreasing order, and unitary matrices U and V so that X = USV'. [U, Sigma, V] = svd(A_matrix); % [U,S,V] = svd(A) % U: nn; Sigma: np; V: p*p. rank_A = rank(A_matrix); % r

if sum(abs(b_vector)) == 0 % b_vector = 0

    x_vector_opt = abs(a_circle) * V(:, end);

    U_1_matrix = U(:, 1:rank_A); % n*r
    Sigma_1_matrix = Sigma(1:rank_A, 1:rank_A); % r*r
    V_1_matrix = V(:, 1:rank_A); % p*r
    % so A = U_1*S_1*V_1'
    vector_singular_values = diag(Sigma_1_matrix);
    % vector, r*1, sigma_1>=...>=sigma_r>0.

    x_vector_OLS = hat_x_vector_lambda(rank_A, ...
        U_1_matrix, V_1_matrix, vector_singular_values, b_vector, 0);

    if norm(x_vector_OLS, 2) == a_circle
        x_vector_opt = x_vector_OLS;

        myfun = @(lambda) function_of_lambda(rank_A, ...
            U_1_matrix, vector_singular_values, ...
            b_vector, lambda, a_circle);
        [hat_lambda, ~, EXITFLAG] = fzero(@(lambda) myfun(lambda), 0);
        if EXITFLAG ~= 1
            disp([' EXITFLAG of fzero = ', num2str(EXITFLAG)])

        x_vector_opt = hat_x_vector_lambda(rank_A, ...
            U_1_matrix, V_1_matrix, vector_singular_values, ...
            b_vector, hat_lambda);



%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function x_vector_lambda = hat_x_vector_lambda(rank_A, ... U_1_matrix, V_1_matrix, vector_singular_values, b_vector, lambda)

%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Function: compute hat_x_vector_lambda = % sum_{j=1}^r sigma_j (u_j_vector^T b_vector)/(sigma_j^2+\lambda) * v_j_vector %--------------------------------------------------------------------------

x_vector_lambda = 0; for j = 1:rank_A sigma_j = vector_singular_values(j);

x_vector_lambda = x_vector_lambda + ...
    ( sigma_j * (U_1_matrix(:, j)'*b_vector) / (sigma_j^2 + lambda) ) ...
    * V_1_matrix(:, j);

end end

%========================================================================== function F_lambda = function_of_lambda(rank_A, ... U_1_matrix, vector_singular_values, b_vector, lambda, a_circle)

%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Function: compute % sum_{j=1}^r [sigma_j (u_j_vector^T b_vector)/(sigma_j^2+\lambda)]^2 - a_circle^2 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------

F_lambda = 0; for j = 1:rank_A sigma_j = vector_singular_values(j);

F_lambda = F_lambda + ...
    ( sigma_j * (U_1_matrix(:, j)'*b_vector) / (sigma_j^2 + lambda) )^2;


F_lambda = F_lambda - a_circle^2;


%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 8 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function [mu_vector, cov_matrix] = mean_cov_mixture_Gaussians_D_dim... (prop_vector, mu_matrix, sigma_matrix)

%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Function: compute the (population) mean vector, cov matrix of % a D-dim Gaussian mixture of K-components %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % prop_vector : = (p_1,...,p_K)': K1 vector % mu_matrix : = (mu_1_vector,...,mu_K_vector), DK matrix, % where mu_1_vector = (mu_11,...,mu_D1)',... % sigma_matrix: = (sigma_1_vector,...,sigma_K_vector): DK matrix %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % mu_vector : D1, vector % cov_matrix: D*D, matrix %-------------------------------------------------------------------------

[D, ~] = size(mu_matrix);

mu_vector = zeros(D,1); cov_matrix = zeros(D,D); for d = 1:D %----------------------------------------------------- mu_vector(d) = sum( prop_vector' .* mu_matrix(d,:) );

var_d = sum( prop_vector' .* (mu_matrix(d,:).^2 + sigma_matrix(d,:).^2) ) ...
    - (mu_vector(d))^2;
cov_matrix(d,d) = var_d;


for d = 1:D %----------------------------------------------------- for k = (d+1):D cov_matrix(k,d) = ... sum( prop_vector' .* mu_matrix(k,:) .* mu_matrix(d,:) ) ... - mu_vector(k) * mu_vector(d); cov_matrix(d, k) = cov_matrix(k,d); end end end

%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 9 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function [data_matrix] = mixture_Gaussians_D_dim_generator... (prop_vector, mu_matrix, sigma_matrix, num_obs)

%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Function: generate data matrix from a D-dim Gaussian mixture of K-components % G = % p_1N( (mu_11,...,mu_D1)', (sigma_11^2,...,sigma_D1^2)' ) +...+ % p_KN( (mu_1K,...,mu_DK)', (sigma_1K^2,...,sigma_DK^2)' ) % Called : discrete_label_generator.m %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % prop_vector : = (p_1,...,p_K)': K1 vector % mu_matrix : = (mu_1_vector,...,mu_K_vector), DK matrix, % where mu_1_vector = (mu_11,...,mu_D1)',... % sigma_matrix: = (sigma_1_vector,...,sigma_K_vector): DK matrix % num_obs : n %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % data_matrix: = (X_1_vector,...,X_n_vector): Dnum_obs, matrix %-------------------------------------------------------------------------

[dim_G] = size(mu_matrix, 1); % dimension D of the joint distribution G

data_matrix = zeros(dim_G, num_obs); % D*n matrix

% %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % [K] = size(mu_matrix, 2); % num K of components in the mixture distribution G % if dim_G == 1 && K == 2 % simple method % % generate a vector of data from a mixture of 2 Gaussian distributions % % p_1N(mu_1, sigma_1^2) + (1-p_1)N(mu_2, sigma_2^2) % % prop_1 = prop_vector(1); % p_1 % mu_1 = mu_matrix(1); mu_2 = mu_matrix(2); % sigma_1 = sigma_matrix(1); sigma_2 = sigma_matrix(2); % % U_vector = unifrnd(0, 1, num_obs, 1); % Unif(0,1) % X_vector_1 = normrnd(mu_1, sigma_1, num_obs, 1); % N(mu_1, sigma_1^2) % X_vector_2 = normrnd(mu_2, sigma_2, num_obs, 1); % N(mu_2, sigma_2^2) % % X_vector = X_vector_1 . (U_vector <= prop_1) + ... % X_vector_2 . (U_vector > prop_1); % % num_obs1, column vector, mixture of 2 Gaussian distributions % % data_matrix = X_vector'; % 1num_obs, row vector % %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % else

for i = 1:num_obs L_rv = discrete_label_generator(prop_vector, 1); % scalar label r.v. Z_vector = normrnd(0, 1, dim_G, 1); % D*1 vector

data_matrix(:, i) = mu_matrix(:, L_rv) + ...
    sigma_matrix(:, L_rv) .* Z_vector; % D*num_obs, matrix

end end

%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 10 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function pdf_val = pdf_mixture_Gaussians_D_dim_func... (prop_vector, mu_matrix, sigma_matrix, x_vector)

%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Function: compute the pdf of a D-dim Gaussian mixture of K-components %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % prop_vector : = (p_1,...,p_K)': K1 vector % mu_matrix : = (mu_1_vector,...,mu_K_vector), DK matrix, % where mu_1_vector = (mu_11,...,mu_D1)',... % sigma_matrix: = (sigma_1_vector,...,sigma_K_vector): DK matrix % x_vector : D1 vector, (x_1,...,x_D)' %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % pdf_val: scalar %-------------------------------------------------------------------------

[D, K] = size(mu_matrix);

f_vector = zeros(K, 1); % f(1),...,f(K) phi_vector = zeros(D, 1); % phi(1),...,phi(D) for k = 1:K for d = 1:D x_d = x_vector(d); mu_d_k = mu_matrix(d, k); sigma_d_k = sigma_matrix(d, k);

    phi_vector(d) = normpdf( (x_d-mu_d_k)/sigma_d_k, 0, 1 )/sigma_d_k;

f_vector(k) = prod(phi_vector);


pdf_val = sum(prop_vector .* f_vector); % scalar end

%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 11 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function [X_matrix] = X_matrix_sim(choice_F, dim_p, num_obs, mu_F, A, B)

% choice_F: Gaussian, Uniforma, Beta % dim_p : dimension % num_obs : # of data points % mu_F : expectation of F % A : parameter 1 in F % B : parameter 2 in F %---------------------------------------- % X_matrix: % p*n matrix

%--------------------- generate data matrix --------------------------- if choice_F == 0 X_matrix = normrnd(A, B, dim_p, num_obs) - mu_F; % mu_F_centered = 0

elseif choice_F == 1 X_matrix = unifrnd(A, B, dim_p, num_obs) - mu_F; % mu_F_centered = 0

elseif choice_F == 2 X_matrix = 6 * (betarnd(A, B, dim_p, num_obs) - mu_F); % mu_F_centered = 0 end end

%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 12 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function [z_vector] = z_vector_exist_dep_on_X_G(X_matrix, a_vector_G, opt_display)

%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Function: compute the direction vector (in the "unit sphere") that % "exists" in the feasibility results in BKN (2018), where p >= n %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % X_matrix: pn matrix; X'X is nn, we assume p >= n, % so X'X is invertible. % a_vector_G: n1 vector, % opt_display: 0 for "without" display; 1 for "with" display %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % z_vector: p1 vector, requiring |z_vector|_2 = 1 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------

[dim_p, num_obs] = size(X_matrix); if dim_p < num_obs disp(' dim_p < num_obs; return!!!'); % we assume p >= n return end

%====================== obtain z_vector_0 ================================= z_vector_0 = X_matrix / (X_matrix' * X_matrix) * a_vector_G; norm_squared_z_vector_0 = sum(z_vector_0.^2); % |z_vector_0|_2^2 if opt_display == 1 disp([' |z_vector_0|_2^2 = ', num2str(norm_squared_z_vector_0)]) end

%====================== modify z_vector_0 ================================= if dim_p == num_obs if norm_squared_z_vector_0 == 1 z_vector = z_vector_0; % p*1 vector, |z_vector|_2 = 1 else disp(' norm_squared_z_vector_0 \ne 1; return!!!') return end

elseif dim_p > num_obs [~, ~, V_matrix] = svd(X_matrix'); % [U,S,V] = svd(X) produces a diagonal matrix S, of the same % dimension as X and with nonnegative diagonal elements in % decreasing order, and unitary matrices U and V so that X = USV'. % So, here, X_matrix' = U S V^T, where X_matrix' is np, % U is nn, S is np, V is pp.

z_vector = z_vector_0 + ...
    sqrt( 1 - norm_squared_z_vector_0 ) * V_matrix(:, (num_obs+1));
% p*1 vector, \|z_vector\|_2 = 1

end end

%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scripts for code 13 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

function [z_vector] = z_vector_unit_Euclidean_norm( X_vector )

% Function: transfer X_vector with unit Euclidean norm %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % X_matrix: vector %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : % z_vector: vector, X_vector / |X_vector|_2 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------

z_vector = X_vector / ( sum(X_vector.^2)^(1/2) ); % vector, on the unit sphere



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