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321 lines (245 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

321 lines (245 loc) · 11.1 KB

Modern Protocol revision 3

Type definition

Type Description
boolean Unsigned 8-bit integer where 0 is false and 1 is true
uint8 Unsigned 8-bit integer
int8 Signed 8-bit integer
uint16 Unsigned 16-bit integer
int16 Signed 16-bit integer
uint24 Unsigned 24-bit integer
int24 Signed 24-bit integer
uint32 Unsigned 32-bit integer
int32 Signed 32-bit integer
float32 Single-precision IEEE-754 floating point
float64 Double-precision IEEE-754 floating point
string UTF-8 null-terminated string
struct An object defined further in the specification

All raw multi-byte data types are in little endian.

Types in an array (i.e. string[]) are repeated in binary form but will always have a way of terminating - be it a length given earlier or termination when an integer inside a struct becomes zero.

Client -> Server

0x01 Protocol version

Sent at connection start.

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint8 Message opcode (0x01)
1 uint32 Revision (0x00000003)

0x02 Ping

Sent whenever the client wants to measure round-trip delay time.

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint8 Message opcode (0x02)

0x03 Update

Sent 25 times per second.

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint8 Message opcode (0x03)
1 int32 Mouse position X
5 int32 Mouse position Y
9 uint8 Amount of split requests (Space presses)
10 uint8 Amount of minion split requests (E presses)
11 uint8 Control flags
12-? string NC Spawning name
? struct CC Chat messages

Control flags

Decimal Hexadecimal Flag Description
1 0x01 NC Spawning name present (spawn request)
2 0x02 Spectate request
4 0x04 Action (Q) press
8 0x08 Action (Q) release
16 0x10 Eject mass request (W press)
32 0x20 Minion eject mass request (R press)
64 0x40 Minion freeze request (T press)
128 0x80 CC Send chat message request

Chat messages

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint8 Chat message count
1-? string[] The messages

Server -> Client

0x02 Pong

Sent as a response to a 0x02 Ping.

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint8 Message opcode (0x02)

0x03 Update

Sent 25 times per second by default. If nothing is updated in a tick, this message may be omitted.

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint8 Message opcode (0x03)
1 uint16 Global update flags
3? struct SO Spectate view area
? struct WO World border
? struct SI Server information
? struct WI World information
? struct CD Incoming chat messages
? struct LD Leaderboard data
? struct[] AC Added cells
? struct[] UC Updated cells
? struct[] EC Eaten cells
? struct[] RC Removed cells

Global update flags

Decimal Hexadecimal Flag Description
1 0x0001 SO Spectate view area present
2 0x0002 WO World border present
4 0x0004 SI Server information present
8 0x0008 WI World information present
16 0x0010 CD Incoming chat messages present
32 0x0020 LD Leaderboard data present
64 0x0040 Clear visible cells and leaderboard
128 0x0080 AC Added cells present
256 0x0100 UC Updated cells present
512 0x0200 EC Eaten cells present
1024 0x0400 RC Removed cells present

Spectate view area

Index Type Flag Description
0 float32 View area center X
4 float32 View area center Y
8 float32 View area scale

World border

Index Type Flag Description
0 float32 Left bound
4 float32 Right bound
8 float32 Top bound
12 float32 Bottom bound

Server information

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint8 Server gamemode type
1 uint8 Server version (major)
2 uint8 Server version (minor)
3 uint8 Server version (patch)

Server gamemode type

Decimal Hexadecimal Flag Description
0 0x00 FFA-like
1 0x01 Teams-like

World information

Index Type Flag Description
0-? string Server name
?-? string Server gamemode name
? float32 Server load time (0 - 1)
? uint32 Server uptime (seconds)
? uint16 External players (connections)
? uint16 Internal players (bots)
? uint16 Alive players
? uint16 Spectating / roaming players

Incoming chat messages

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint16 Chat message count
2-? struct[] Chat message

Chat message

Index Type Flag Description
0-? string Source name
? uint8 Source color R
? uint8 Source color G
? uint8 Source color B
? boolean Is server
? string Message content

Leaderboard data

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint8 Leaderboard type
1-? struct[] L1 FFA board data
1-? struct L2 Pie chart data
1-? struct L3 Text board data

Leaderboard type

Decimal Hexadecimal Flag Description
1 0x01 L1 FFA board
2 0x02 L2 Pie chart
3 0x03 L3 Text board

FFA board data

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint16 Item position Terminates array if 0x0000
1 uint8 Item flags
2-? string Item name
Item flags
Decimal Hexadecimal Flag Description
1 0x01 Is highlighted
2 0x02 Is me

Pie chart data

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint16 Length
2 float32[] Item size (0 - 1)

Text board data

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint16 Length
2 string[] Item text

Added cells

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint32 ID Terminates array if 0x00000000
4 uint8 Cell type
5 float32 Cell position X
9 float32 Cell position Y
16 uint16 Cell size
18 uint8 Cell color R
19 uint8 Cell color G
20 uint8 Cell color B
21 uint8 Additional info flags
22-? string HN Cell name
?-? string HS Cell skin

Cell type

Decimal Hexadecimal Flag Description
0 0x00 Player cell
1 0x01 Pellet
2 0x02 Virus
3 0x03 Ejected cell
4 0x04 Mothercell

Additional info flags

Decimal Hexadecimal Flag Description
1 0x01 Is owned
2 0x02 HN Cell name present
4 0x04 HS Cell skin present

Updated cells

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint32 ID Terminates array if 0x00000000
1 uint8 Updated info flags
2? float32 HP Cell position X
6? float32 HP Cell position Y
? uint16 HZ Cell size
? uint8 HC Cell color R
? uint8 HC Cell color G
? uint8 HC Cell color B
?-? string HN Cell name
?-? string HS Cell skin

Updated info flags

Decimal Hexadecimal Flag Description
1 0x01 HP Position present
2 0x02 HZ Size present
4 0x04 HC Color present
8 0x08 HN Name present
16 0x10 HS Skin present

Eaten cells

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint32 Killed ID Terminates array if 0x00000000
4 uint32 Killer ID

Removed cells

Index Type Flag Description
0 uint32 ID Terminates array if 0x00000000

Update history

Revision 3 @ 2019-06-03

  • Positions (view area, world bounds, cell position) are now defined by float32 rather than int32

Revision 2 @ 2018-11-12

  • Moved flags AC, UC, EC, RC by one bit
  • Added the Clear visible cells and leaderboard flag

Revision 1 @ 2018-08-25

  • Initial