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BuildInfo Extension

This is a very early preview of a browser extension that adds some fun new features to the CircleCI experience. Built with React/Redux.

Development - Chrome


Requires node and yarn installed.

  • clone the repo

  • install everything

    cd buildinfo-extension && yarn install

  • build the unpacked extension, or use development watcher

    yarn run webpack

    yarn run watch

  • load the unpacked extension in chrome. The unpacked extension will be located at the root of the project in a folder called dist.

  • give yourself a pat on the back. Then extension should be running when you visit a CircleCI domain

Extra credit

When you make any changes to the code while using yarn run watch the unpacked extension will be rebuilt automatically. This does not reload it in the browser unfortunately. On the extensions page you have to click reload on the extension, and then refresh the browser. Lame right? To ease that pain a bit you can install this other chrome extension that will reload unpacked extensions when you click it. So at least you don't have to navigate to the extensions page. Make a code change, click the extension reloader, refresh the page, view your changes.