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File metadata and controls

518 lines (370 loc) · 11 KB


Find transitive transfer steps

Returns steps to transfer transitively through trust graph from one node to another.


POST /api/transfers


  from: <string>,
  to: <string>,
  value: <string>,
  hops: <string>,
  • from: Sender address
  • to: Receiver address
  • value: Amount of Freckles to send between sender and receiver (the fractional monetary unit of Circles is named Freckles. One Circle = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Freckles (1018))
  • hops (optional): pathfinder2 parameter used to limit the area around the sender that is explored; the maximal "chain length"


  status: 'ok',
  data: {
    from: <string>,
    to: <string>,
    maxFlowValue: <number>,
    transferSteps: <array>,
    transferValue: <number>,
    statistics: <object>


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed
  • 422 Invalid transfer

Update transitive transfer steps

Updates the steps of a transitive transfer.


POST /api/transfers/update


  from: <string>,
  to: <string>,
  value: <string>,
  hops: <string>,
  • from: Sender address
  • to: Receiver address
  • value: Amount of Freckles intended to be sent between sender and receiver (the fractional monetary unit of Circles is named Freckles. One Circle = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Freckles (1018))
  • hops (optional): pathfinder2 parameter used to limit the area around the sender that is explored; the maximal "chain length"


  status: 'ok',
  data: {
    updated: <boolean>
  • updated: Whether all the steps have been successfully updated


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed

Store transfer meta data

Stores meta data like payment note connected to a made transfer. This data is only readable for sender or receiver of that transaction.


PUT /api/transfers


  address: <string>,
  signature: <string>,
  data: {
    from: <string>,
    to: <string>,
    transactionHash: <string>,
    paymentNote: <string>
  • address: Public address of user wallet
  • signature: Signed data payload of this request via the users keypair. The data contains: from + to + transactionHash
  • data/from: Public address of the sender
  • data/to: Public address of the receiver
  • data/transactionHash: Transaction hash of the actual ethereum transfer
  • data/paymentNote (optional): Personal payment note from the sender


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed
  • 403 Verification failed
  • 409 Entry already exists

Read transfer meta data

Returns stored transfer meta data including the payment note. This data is only readable for sender or receiver of that transaction.


POST /api/transfers/<transactionHash>


  address: <string>,
  signature: <string>
  • address: Public address of user wallet
  • signature: Signed data payload of this request via the users keypair. The data contains: transactionHash


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed
  • 403 Verification failed or not allowed to read data
  • 404 Transaction hash not found

Get user entry by username

Get the users entry including its safeAddress.


GET /api/users/<username>


  status: 'ok',
  data: {
    id: <int>,
    safeAddress: <string>,
    username: <string>,
    avatarUrl: <string>


  • 404 Not found

Search users database by usernames

Find a user in the database.


GET /api/users?query=<string>


  status: 'ok',
  data: [
      id: <int>,
      safeAddress: <string>,
      username: <string>,
      avatarUrl: <string>


When no user was found an empty response will be returned.

Get multiple user entries by username / address

Resolve multiple usernames (via username[]) and/or Safe addresses (via address[]) in a batch.


GET /api/users?address[]=<string>&username[]=<string>&...


  status: 'ok',
  data: [
      id: <int>,
      safeAddress: <string>,
      username: <string>,
      avatarUrl: <string>


Not found entries silently fail and simply do not get returned in the response.

Check user fields (dry run)


POST /api/users

Do a dry-run to check if email and username fields are valid before creating a user account. This is helpful for giving early user feedback in onboarding flows.


  email: <string>,
  username: <string>
  • email: E-Mail-Address of the to-be-created user
  • username: Username of the to-be-created user


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed
  • 409 Entry already exists

Create new user entry


PUT /api/users

Create a new entry in the database, connecting a username with a safeAddress.


  address: <string>,
  signature: <string>,
  nonce: <int> (optional),
  data: {
    safeAddress: <string>,
    email: <string>,
    username: <string>,
    avatarUrl: <string>
  • address: Public address of user wallet
  • signature: Signed data payload of this request via the users keypair. The data contains: address + nonce + safeAddress + username with nonce being 0 when not given
  • nonce: Optional nonce which is required to predict the Safe address
  • data/safeAddress: Public address of the owned Safe of the user
  • data/username: Username which should be connected to the safeAddress
  • data/email: Private email address of the user (not unique)
  • data/avatarUrl (optional): URL of avatar image

Verification steps:

  1. Check if the signature can be verified successfully.
  2. Check if nonce is given, if not, assume the Safe is already deployed.
  3. When Safe is deployed: Check if address is owner of the given Safe. When safe is not deployed yet: Check if nonce and address generate the same safeAddress.


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed
  • 403 Verification failed
  • 409 Entry already exists

Update user entry


POST /api/users/<safeAddress>

Update (or create) an entry in the database, connecting a username with a safeAddress.


  address: <string>,
  signature: <string>,
  data: {
    safeAddress: <string>,
    username: <string>,
    email: <string>,
    avatarUrl: <string>
  • address: Public address of user wallet
  • signature: Signed data payload of this request via the users keypair. The data contains: address + safeAddress + username.
  • data/safeAddress: Public address of the owned Safe of the user
  • data/username: Username which should be connected to the safeAddress
  • data/email (optional): Private email address of the user (not unique, not null)
  • data/avatarUrl (optional): URL of avatar image

Verification steps:

  1. Check if the signature can be verified successfully.
  2. Check if the username is taken by another user.
  3. Check if address is owner of the given Safe.


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed
  • 403 Verification failed
  • 409 Entry already exists

Remove user entry


DELETE /api/users/<safeAddress>

Remove the entry of the safeAddress in the database.


  address: <string>,
  signature: <string>,
  • address: Public address of user wallet
  • signature: Signed data payload of this request via the users keypair. The data contains: address + safeAddress.

Verification steps:

  1. Check if the signature can be verified successfully.
  2. Check if address is owner of the given Safe.


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed
  • 403 Verification failed

Get user email


GET /api/users/<safeAddress>/email

Get the email from the entry of the safeAddress in the database.


  address: <string>,
  signature: <string>,
  • address: Public address of user wallet
  • signature: Signed data payload of this request via the users keypair. The data contains: address + safeAddress.

Verification steps:

  1. Check if the signature can be verified successfully.
  2. Check if address is owner of the given Safe.


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed
  • 403 Verification failed
  • 404 User entry not found

Get user profile migration consent


GET /api/users/<safeAddress>/get-profile-migration-consent

Get the profile migration consent from the entry of the safeAddress in the database.


  address: <string>,
  signature: <string>,
  • address: Public address of user wallet
  • signature: Signed data payload of this request via the users keypair. The data contains: address + safeAddress.

Verification steps:

  1. Check if the signature can be verified successfully.
  2. Check if address is owner of the given Safe.


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed
  • 403 Verification failed
  • 404 User entry not found

Update profile migration consent for a user entry


POST /api/users/<safeAddress>/update-profile-migration-consent

Update an entry in the database, assigning a value to profileMigrationConsent associated to a safeAddress.


  address: <string>,
  signature: <string>,
  data: {
    safeAddress: <string>,
    profileMigrationConsent: <string>
  • address: Public address of user wallet
  • signature: Signed data payload of this request via the users keypair. The data contains: address + safeAddress + username.
  • data/safeAddress: Public address of the owned Safe of the user
  • data/profileMigrationConsent: Whether or not the user consents the profile migration

Verification steps:

  1. Check if the signature can be verified successfully.
  2. Check if address is owner of the given Safe.


  • 400 Parameters missing or malformed, or entry does not exist
  • 403 Verification failed

Search news database by date

Resolves multiple news items starting from newest item in the database, via:

  • isActive specifies whether only active or only inactive items should be returned (default true)
  • afterDate sets a past limit in time before which no news items are included. The response will include news on the exact "afterDate"-date. (default no limit)
  • limit the maximum number of items returned (default 10)
  • offset skips that number of the filtered latest items (default 0)


GET /api/news?isActive=<boolean>&afterDate=<Date>&limit=<int>&offset=<int>


  status: 'ok',
  data: [
      iconId: <int>,
      title: {
        en: <string>
      message: {
        en: <string>,
      date: <date>,


When no news were found an empty response will be returned.