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terminal version of direct-search-web


npm install direct-search


ds <serchEngine> <query>
use search engine full name or abbreviation to search what you want

ds go koa
# or
ds google koa

above will use your default browser to open a new tab for searching koa by google

full list of supported search engines

use ds -l or ds --list to show the full list of supported search engines

Name Abbreviation
b | ba baidu(百度)
bf baidu-translate(百度翻译)
bw baidubaike(百度百科)
bk baidukaifa(百度开发搜索)
be being(必应)
bi bilibili(哔哩哔哩)
c | ciu caniuse
c | cs csdn
dl deepl-translate(deepl 翻译)
fsou | f fsou(f 搜)
gi github
go google(谷歌)
gf google-translate(google 翻译)
j | jue juejin(掘金)
mdn mdn(MDN Web Docs)
n npm
se | sf segmentfault(思否)
st stackoverflow
wi wikipedia(维基百科)
yt youtube
z | zhi zhihu(知乎)


direct-search-web - web app of direct-saerch