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84 lines (59 loc) · 2.96 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (59 loc) · 2.96 KB


Test sample SQL Queries against higher level environments and stores whether the queries passed or not as well as the output.

installation instructions:

cd into the project directory, create two terminals (one for frontend and one for backend)

Backend server

''' cd Backend #(do not create venv it is already created) myapp\Scripts\activate #(to start the venv on windows for Mac: source myapp/bin/activate) pip install requirements.txt flask run '''

Frontend side

''' cd sql-engine-test npm install npm start '''


  • do no recreate the venv (breaks snowflake)
  • might need to use -force or --legacy-peer-deps for react app becuase material-ui conflicts with some other things

API documentaion:

Page 1:

  • /upload (POST): takes an excel file stores it in uploads folder and pushes to db, sends back: "message" (success message) and "data" (sample of the inserted excel file)
    • note: please refer to the sample excel file for the column names/fields, they are case sensitive including the suite names

Page 2:

  • /get_data (GET): returns a table with all the queries that have been stored
    • note: need to either optimise or add loading for this part since data take some time to query
  • /submit_selection (POST): takes a json in with the associated columns for whatever has been executed and returns a message either succesful or failed
    • note: use console to see structure of returned json if changing code in the future
    • it also executes against both dbs (snowflake and postgres)
    • subject to optimisation
    • change route in submethod Sf_qry to return the result in other cases as connector or programming error,
    • change route in pass fail to also return actual result (might be easier to make another method one which just return the resuls and another that does pass fail)

Page 3:

  • /table1 (GET): returns a json with summary table
  • /table1 (GET): returns a json with the details of the last batch
    • edit it to include going in between older pages

Additional notes:

  • create method to query username
  • change credentials for snowflake (it expires in ~25 days)
  • credentials for postgres in the

Frontend Documentation:

Page 1:

  • located under sql-engine-test/src/components/Cards/FileUpload.js
  • need to add toast message for number of rows added/modified

Page 2:

  • located under sql-engine-test/src/components/Cards/QueryAns.js
  • need to add loading or oprimisation for query
  • refer to console for the json
  • ignore the error which pop-ups it is an error message added by mistake can't get rid of it, (you can understand it ran by the fact you can see the json in the console)

Page 3:

  • located under sql-engine-test/src/components/Cards/EpicGeneration.js


  • located in app.js
    • change username to query from backend after creating an API call
    • remove test from the username option
  • has naigation for all the pages