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Fast Lane Visualizer

This application visualizes the network traffic in near realtime. The network traffic here is the Fast Lane traffic that is marked by the iOS app.

There are 3 components to this project:

  • Host side: Wireshark - It utilizes the wireshark (tshark) to capture Wi-Fi traffic in the network on the host machine and storing the packet in the logfile directory
  • Docker image for ELK stack, which reads the packets from the shared path and punts the data to the Elastic search.
  • Visualization App: This application queries Elastic and renders the data into a nice visual

Introduction to Fast Lane

Fastlane allows applications on iOS devices which are connected to Cisco Wi-Fi Access points to prioritize their traffic; Such prioritization allows the apps to deliver best experience in the enterprises.

App traffic on Wi-Fi networks can be broadly classified as: Voice, Video, Best Effort and Background. Double clicking on each of the traffic types:

• Voice: This is interactive voice for apps using Wi-Fi Calling (CallKit), Cisco Spark, Facetime or any other Voice app.

• Video: This is video traffic using Wi-Fi Calling (CallKit), Cisco Spark, Facetime or video capabilities within the app.

• Best Effort: Examples of data include instant messaging, VPN tunneling, audio/video streaming, signaling, screen sharing etc.

• Background: These apps include photo/media uploads or backups.

Setup (mac-osx)

Make sure both docker and docker-compose is up and running.

$ docker-compose version
  • Create log directory for tshark
mkdir -p /tmp/tshark/data
touch /tmp/tshark/data/
  • Get the Repo and Test docker-compose to start Stack services
git clone
cd FastLaneSelfServe
docker-compose up -d


There are 3 elements that you want to run for the demo: docker-compose, tshark and browser (visualization)

  • Run Stack services
cd FastLaneSelfServe //omit if pwd is already /FastLaneSelfServe
docker-compose down  //Stop previously running instances.
docker-compose up -d //Start a new one

Tip: If you keep the system up for long, it might get slower because of huge amount of packet data. Restart the docker-compose once every 1-2 hour for best experience.

  • Run tshark to generate traffic

Open a new tab, and run the tshark command to start the network capture. You can optionally provide the ip option to capture from a particular IP address.

tshark -a duration:500 -i en0 -e frame.number -e wlan.qos -e wlan.qos.priority -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e ip.dsfield.dscp -e ip.len -Tek > /tmp/tshark/data/

You can apply a filter by adding -Y or -f option to the tshark command. For example,

-Y "ip.src == && ip.dst =="


-f "host"

Note: This will run tshark and do a packet capture for 500s. For the demo scenario, you can start the tshark just before every demo and then stop if after that. This will also help to keep the network dump small.

Tip: Refresh the Page once every 1-5 mins, to clear out the cache and to bring in the real-time nature for visulizations.

Update (To Latest Version)

cd FastLaneSelfServe //omit if pwd is already /FastLaneSelfServe
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d


  • To restart, please run
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d


  • EL API to get new entries
//Simple Get request

//Get latest results
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/fastlane/log/_search?_source=json.layers.ip_dsfield_dscp,json.timestamp' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "sort" : [
        {"json.timestamp.keyword" : {"order" : "desc"}}

Special Thanks !

This code is built on top of