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Multi-Domain Automation

The Challenge:

  • Traditionally, networks contains distinct domains
  • A single domain alone can’t serve the business needs of your entire enterprise.

The Solution:

  • Cisco multidomain integrations help ensure that all individual networking domains work together to help you achieve your digital transformation objectives
  • Leveraging Cisco's open APIs and Cisco Action Orchestrator we can consistently automate configuration and deployment of your Network Infrastructure and Data Center

The Story:

  • Big retail chain standing up a new store
  • Connection to data center for price list is necessary
  • Quickly deploy local network at the branch
  • Local compute is required. Grant local compute correct access to data center services

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The Tech:

Using Cisco Action Orchastrator:

  • SD-WAN - Initiate site to site connection using SD-WAN APIs
  • DC Networking - Using ACI APIs configure branch DC network
  • DC Compute - Configure and virtualize baremetal UCS server using UCS manager APIs
  • DNAC - Initiate site creation, Network device Discovery and provision devices

Setup and Configuration

  • To get started with the workflows, clone the Github repo git clone
  • If you are interested in a portion of this end-end automation workflow, check out the specific technology directory and import the workflow into your instance of CAO
  • If you are interested in the end to end automation , check out End-End Multi-Domain and import the entire end to end workflow
  • Sign-up for an instance of Cisco Action Orchestrator
  • Import CAO automation JSON

Import Flow

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  • Configure workflow Targets How To for each technology. Hint: you can point to the DevNet Always-on Sandbox
  • Validate and run workflows.


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