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Install the module with VCS information using composer:

composer reinstall drupal/helfi_platform_config --prefer-source


Submodules should be split by entity type/bundle or by feature. For example:

  • helfi_node_announcement: Contains Announcement Node type
  • helfi_node_page: Contains Page Node type
  • helfi_tpr_config: Contains Platform specific TPR configuration, like paragraph fields used to enrich TPR entities etc.
  • helfi_media: Contains default Media types
  • helfi_media_remote_video: Contains remote_video Media type.

Install hooks

All hook_install() functions must be idempotent, meaning it should be possible to call them multiple times without changing the result. For example:

function mymodule_install() : void {
  // Create 'admin' role if it does not exist yet.
  if (!Role::load('admin')) {

Field storage configuration

If the same field storage is used in multiple different modules (like field_lower_content paragraph reference field used in most of our content types), the field storage config must be placed in helfi_base_content module's config/install/ folder.

When using nested paragraphs, like list_of_links paragraph type that references list_of_links_item paragraph type, the field storage seems to require the paragraph type to be added as enforced dependency.

# modules/helfi_paragraphs_list_of_links/config/install/
      - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.list_of_links

Drupal permissions

Permissions should be defined in module's .install file and the function should be called in hook_install() hook:

function mymodule_grant_permissions() : void {
  $permissions = [
    'admin' => [
      'access content',
    'anonymous' => [
      'access content',

 * Implements hook_install().
function mymodule_install() : void {

Paragraph types

All paragraph reference fields are stripped off target_bundles field configuration, so we don't have to add hard dependencies between modules.

The target bundles are overridden every time field configuration is saved (by helfi_platform_config_field_config_presave() hook). The target bundles list is compiled from modules implementing hook_helfi_paragraph_types() hook.

The module using paragraphs should define a hook_helfi_paragraph_types() hook that returns an array of \Drupal\helfi_platform_config\DTO\ParagraphTypeCollection objects. See the class for more documentation and helfi_node_page module for an example implementation.

Projects using custom paragraph types must implement the hook_helfi_paragraph_types() hook that contains project specific paragraph types, for example:

# public/modules/custom/helfi_sote/helfi_sote.module:

 * Implements hook_helfi_paragraph_types().
function helfi_sote_helfi_paragraph_types() : array {
  $entities = [
    'tpr_unit' => [
      'tpr_unit' => [
        'field_lower_content' => [
    'node' => [
      'page' => [
        'field_content' => [

  $enabled = [];
  foreach ($entities as $entityTypeId => $bundles) {
    foreach ($bundles as $bundle => $fields) {
      foreach ($fields as $field => $paragraphTypes) {
        foreach ($paragraphTypes as $paragraphType) {
          $enabled[] = new ParagraphTypeCollection($entityTypeId, $bundle, $field, $paragraphType);
  return $enabled;


To install blocks in your module, you should define them in the module's .module file and use the BlockInstaller service to handle block installations.

Usually, block configurations are installed using YAML files located in ./config/optional/block.block.block_name.yml, similar to how it is done in install profiles. However, in our case, using this approach would result in unnecessary configuration reverts when the helfi_platform_config.config_update_helper service is used. With BlockInstaller service, you can install the block configurations for multiple themes without having the unnecessary configuration reverts during module updates and without duplicated configuration files under config folders.

Define the block as follows:

 * Gets the block configurations.
 * @return array[]
 *   The block configurations.
function my_example_get_block_configurations(string $theme) : array {
  return [
    'block' => [
      'id' => 'my_example_block',
      'plugin' => 'my_example_block_plugin',
      'settings' => [
        'label' => 'My example',
        'label_display' => TRUE,
      'provider' => 'my_example',
      'translations' => [
        'fi' => 'Minun esimerkki',
        'sv' => 'Mitt exempel',
    'variations' => [
        'theme' => 'hdbt',
        'region' => 'content',
        'theme' => 'stark',
        'region' => 'content',

And install the blocks in the modules install/update hooks:

 * Implements hook_install().
function my_example_install($is_syncing) : void {
  // Do not perform following steps if the module is being installed as part
  // of a configuration import.
  if ($is_syncing) {

  /** @var Drupal\helfi_platform_config\Helper\BlockInstaller $block_installer */
  $block_installer = Drupal::service('helfi_platform_config.helper.block_installer');

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandlerInterface $theme_handler */
  $theme_handler = \Drupal::service('theme_handler');

  if (!str_starts_with($theme_handler->getDefault(), 'hdbt')) {

  $theme = $theme_handler->getDefault();
  $block_config = my_example_get_block_configurations($theme);
  ['block' => $block, 'variations' => $variations] = $block_config;
  $block_installer->install($block, $variations);

See examples in helfi_global_announcement and helfi_tpr_config modules.

Updating existing configuration

Cleaning up YAML files automatically

You can use drush helfi:clean-yml {path} command to automatically "clean up" the modified YAML files:

  • drush helfi:clean-yml public/modules/contrib/helfi_platform_config

The command will:

  • Scan all yml files and strip off the uuid field
  • Remove target_bundles from Paragraph reference fields (see Paragraph types)

See for more up-to-date information.

Update permissions

To update permissions, add the new/changed permission in modules' mymodule_grant_permission() and call the function in hook_update_N() hook:

function mymodule_update_9001(): void {

Update all configuration

Use helfi_platform_config.config_update_helper service to replace existing configuration:

function helfi_media_update_9001() : void {
  // Re-import 'helfi_media' configuration.

The update hook above will re-import all configuration from helfi_media module's config/install and config/rewrite folders and run necessary post-update hooks.

Rewrite configuration

The helfi_platform_config.config_update_helper invokes hook_rewrite_config_update, which allows custom modules to react to config re-importing.

In this example we would want to override Text paragraph label with a configuration found in my_module.

To trigger the hook_rewrite_config_update, implement the hook to your my_module.module:

function my_module_rewrite_config_update(string $module, Drupal\config_rewrite\ConfigRewriterInterface $configRewriter): void {
  if ($module === 'helfi_paragraphs_text') {
    // Rewrite helfi_paragraphs_text configuration.

This hook will trigger when \Drupal::service('helfi_platform_config.config_update_helper')->update('helfi_paragraphs_text'); is run and it will search for configurations in my_module/config/rewrite/ folder.

To override configurations for your Drupal instance, follow the instructions found in Rewrite module project page.

In our example, the label change would be implemented in a configuration file /public/modules/custom/my_module/config/rewrite/paragraphs.paragraphs_type.text.yml:

label: Text (override)

The label change for the Finnish translation would be implemented in a configuration file /public/modules/custom/my_module/config/rewrite/language/fi/paragraphs.paragraphs_type.text.yml

label: Teksti (ylikirjoitettu)


Helfi platform config implements hook_tokens(). With the help of helfi_platform_config.og_image_manager service, it provides [*:shareable-image] token. Modules may implement services that handle this token for their entity types.

Modules that use this system should still implement hook_tokens_info to provide information about the implemented token.

Defining image builder service

Add a new service:

# yourmodule/
    class: Drupal\yourmodule\Token\YourEntityImageBuilder
    arguments: []
      - { name: helfi_platform_config.og_image_builder, priority: 100 }
# yourmodule/src/Token/YourEntityImageBuilder.php


namespace Drupal\yourmodule\Token;

use Drupal\helfi_platform_config\Token\OGImageBuilderInterface;

 * Handles token hooks.
final class YourEntityImageBuilder implements OGImageBuilderInterface {

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function applies(EntityInterface $entity): bool {
    return $entity instanceof YourEntity;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function buildUrl(EntityInterface $entity): ?string {
    assert($entity instanceof YourEntity);
    return $entity->field_image->entity->getFileUri();


First paragraph grey alter

There are some paragraphs that we want to "blend" with the hero-block if they are directly after the hero such as searches. Good example of this kind of search is unit_search. The grey background should continue from hero to the paragraph seamlessly and for paragraphs that are usable on all instances this is done in the helfi_platform_config. These paragraphs can be found listed in the $paragraphs_with_grey_bg variable in HeroBlock.php.

There can be paragraphs that we want to function this way, but they are instance specific. For them to be able to function the same way you need to use the first_paragraph_grey_alter on that instance that uses the paragraph.

Here is an example on how this is done in front page instance (helfi_etusivu custom module, helfi_etusivu.module file):

* Implements hook_first_paragraph_grey_alter().
function helfi_etusivu_first_paragraph_grey_alter(array &$paragraphs): void {
  $paragraphs[] = 'news_archive';