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environment variables

Use .env.local for development, you can copy the defaults from .env.example.

# in admin-ui
cp .env.example .env.local
Name Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL The baseUrl to use usually /kasittely
TILAVARAUS_API_URL tilavaraus-core base url

TILAVARAUS_API_URL is required to be set because the node server doing SSR can't connect to the backend without it. Unlike a pure browser bundle even if they are running on the same host, the SSR is a separate server behind a reverse proxy.

SKIP_ENV_VALIDATION should only be used for building and testing.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

pnpm dev

With the standard env the admin-ui [http://localhost:3001/kasittely]/(http://localhost:3001/kasittely) to view it in the browser.

pnpm test

pnpm test:watch

pnpm tsc

Typescript check

pnpm lint

pnpm lint:css

Run stylelint to validate style declarations in ./src/**/*.tsx.

pnpm build