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Generate email .html templates

pnpm generate:emails
  • Converts and translates (using i18n/*.json) the templates/*.template.mjml files to html/*_{lang}.html and text-templates/*.template.txt to txt/*_{lang}.txt.
  • Inside the templates, ${key} is translated using the value of the key in the JSON files; {{...}} and {%...%} is intended for the Django template engine to interpret when the generated templates are used to render the actual emails, and are left as is by this command.
  • The text versions of the emails in the text-templates directory are translated (to the 'txt' directory) along with the .mjml to .html conversion but do not contain any other syntax that is handled by this command.
  • For previewing the .mjml templates from which the .html files are generated, install the MJML extension (mjmlio.vscode-mjml), make sure to get the correct one (by MJML).
  • To prevent headaches from prettier in formatting of .mjml files include the following in your vscode settings:
    "[mjml]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "mjmlio.vscode-mjml"
  • NOTE: NEVER! EVER! EVER! modify the generated .html/.txt files directly. If changes are required, change the .mjml files in the templates and the .txt files in the text-templates directory (and/or the translations in i18n/), and re-generate the .html/.txt files.
  • See further the documentation in Confluence (Finnish):