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Mark Headd edited this page Jul 10, 2013 · 2 revisions

In signing Executive Order 1-12 in April, 2012, Mayor Nutter identified three essential pillars required for an open and effective government - transparency, participation, and collaboration.

This plan provides specific details on how the Chief Innovation Officer, the Chief Data Officer and other city officials are executing on the Mayor’s vision for open government using these three specific areas as a framework for future action.

Transparency - making more of the data created, curated and maintained by the City of Philadelphia available to outside consumers through an official City of Philadelphia Open Data Portal.

Public Participation - employing new strategies and techniques for engaging with the citizens of Philadelphia, and encouraging them to participate in open processes for governance and rule-making.

Collaboration - identifying new ways to work with partners both inside and outside of government to foster innovation and implement more effective solutions.

As mentioned earlier in this report, the concept of “open government” refers to an ongoing process, not a specific outcome. Integrating open government practices into the daily operations of the City of Philadelphia will be an area of constant refinement and improvement.

Comments or questions in this version of the City of Philadelphia Open Government Plan may be sent to the Chief Data Officer at or via Twitter at @PhillyCDO.

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