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Making a live microblogging timeline part 1 Extending the users entity type

Filip Hnízdo edited this page May 20, 2016 · 2 revisions


In this set of tutorials you're going to make a live-updating microblogging timeline. Before we start with the timeline itself, we're going to create some user accounts to use with the timeline. To keep things straightforward we're going to make them through the administration interface, but if you want to extend it with a user registration system you can.

Before you do this tutorial it'll be best to run through both setting up an Iris site and the making a blog site tutorial.

Before you start you should have an iris site set up, we're going to call it mysite, with an active theme (called mytheme in this tutorial).

Enable some modules

Log in as an administrator on your site and enable the following modules:

  • Entity UI
  • Permissions UI

Add an avatar and display name field to the user entity

To make our microblogging site a bit more fun we're going to add some fields to the user entity type. Go to the entities page in the structure tab in the admin menu and press manage fields on the user entity type in the table.

First add an avatar field of type image to your entity. Make sure its permissions are set so both anonymous and authenticated users can see it.

Add a display name field of type Textfield.

Create some users

Now you've got all the user entity fields you need, go to the entities page in structure and create some users to post to your timeline.

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